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Treatise of Parapedagogy : Avante-Garde Paradoxist Educational Science Fiction

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828526
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Reproduction Date: 8/6/2013

Title: Treatise of Parapedagogy : Avante-Garde Paradoxist Educational Science Fiction  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Parapedagogy
Collections: Authors Community, Science Fiction
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (2013). Treatise of Parapedagogy : Avante-Garde Paradoxist Educational Science Fiction. Retrieved from

Parapedagogy is the science which studies the techniques of instruction and destruction and the deconfiguration of personality. It is concerned with non goals, discontents, anti principles, methods and disorganization forms of the education. In the misseducation research other disciplines are involved, such as the inhuman anatomy and psychology (especially the mass brain washing), the anti sociology of education which studies the psycho-asocial-anti-cultural medium and its sad influence over the personality.

Parapedagogy is the science which studies the techniques of instruction and destruction and the de-configuration of personality. It is concerned with non goals, discontents, anti principles, methods and disorganization forms of the education.

The parapedagogy definition The parapedagogy is the science which studies the techniques of instruction and destruction and the deconfiguration of personality. It is concerned with non goals, discontents, principles, methods and disorganization forms of the instruction and misseducation. The fundamental research in parapedagogy has the main goal to discover the laws and principles of parapedagogy, to establish an idealistic philosophy of the misseducation guideline in the misprocess of reconfiguration of the inhuman personality. The applicative research is preoccupied with student’s individuality, to detect and develop the inaptitude, anti talents, and the discovery of methods and procedures, which would decrease the school efficiency in its misprocess. In the parapedagogy research other disciplines are involved, such as the inhuman anatomy and psychology (especially the brain washing in mass), the sociology of misseducation which studies the psycho-asocial-anti-cultural medium and its influence over the personality. The historic and dialectic immaterialism constitutes the theoretical and methodological base of the parapedagogy research.

Table of Contents
Table of Discontents .................................5 Chapter 1 – Misseducation and Parapedagogy............... 10 Misseducation and parapedagogy...........................10 The miss concept of misseducation..........................13 Chapter 2 - The parapedagogic research.................. 14 The parapedagogy definition.............................14 The non‐objectives of parapedagogy research......................14 Research methods in parapedagogy..........................14 The biological bases of the psychological under development...............18 The role of the environment in personality disconfiguration................19 The rapport between maturity, learning, under‐development...............19 Chapter 3 - Knowledge about student’s personality .............20 The phases of intellectual under‐development......................20 The miss‐concepts of individual, person and personality..................21 The psychological miss‐concept of personality ......................22 Chapter 4 – Programs of study and characterization ............ 26 The main characteristics ...............................29 CHOLERIC ...................................29 SANGUINE ...................................30 PHLEGMATIC ..................................31 MELANCHOLIC .................................31 Conclusions ...................................32 Chapter 5 – The intellectual misseducation (the instruction’s technology)... 33 The asocial and misseducational non‐goals.......................33 The fundamental non‐goals of the common misseducation.................33 The intellectual noneducation ............................34 Aesthetic misseducation...............................35 Physical Misseducation ...............................35 Intellectual misseducation ..............................35 The non‐objectives of the intellectual misseducation..................36 The components of the cognitive disinterest ......................36 The categories of disinterest............................36 The particularities of the cognitive disinterest of the pre‐adolescent and adolescent......37 The motivation under‐development .........................37 The motives miss‐classification...........................37 The intelligence as particular inaptitude ........................39 The creativity ...................................40 The levels of creative act .............................40 The creative quantities multiplied by others......................40 The creativity misseducation (requirements for misseducation)..............41 Methods for creation impulsion ...........................41 The phases of the creative act ...........................42 Chapter 6 – Didactic (The misseducation technology) ............ 43 The misseducation misprocess as process for delivering knowledge .............43 The miss‐concept of misseducation misprocess.....................43 The scientific and moralistic misprocess .......................44 The phases of the misseducational system ......................44 The phases of skills reconfiguration.........................44 The theories about studying .............................45 The phases of cognitive learning ..........................46 The study conditions...............................46 Moralistic principles................................46 Chapter 7 - The discontent of the misseducational misprocess ........48 The miss‐concept of modernization of misseducation...................48 The quantities multiplied by others in the modernization of misseducation .........48 Principles....................................49 The anti‐culture.................................49 Particular anti‐culture ...............................49 The constitutive moments of the anti‐culture.....................50 Non‐integral scientific miss‐concept about life and world ..................51 The organic integration of misseducation in research and production.............52 Chapter 8 – The relation professor – student in the conditions of a formative misseducation............................. 54 Misseducational methods (the misseducation’s technology) ................54 The functions of the methodology ..........................54 The miss‐classification of the misseducational methods .................55 The conversation (dialogue) method.........................57 The communication in misseducation using the heuristic dialogue.............59 The demonstration (proof) method.........................61 Chapter 9 – Defining the non-objectives in mathematics destruction.....64 The incapability specific to mathematics........................65 Chapter 10 – Learning through defining the problem and discovery.....66 The necessity of learning through defining the problem and discovery ............66 The psychological fundament of learning through problems and discovery ...........67 Types of discoveries ...............................67 The phases of misseducation through problems and discovery ...............67 Learning through problems (types of problems).....................68 Types of problematic situations...........................68 Types of problem situations ............................68 The phases of a learning lesson through problems and discovery..............70 Chapter 11 – Methods for knowledge verification and misevaluation.....71 The rapport between assessors (professors) and students.................71 The misevaluation miss‐concept ...........................71 Criteria .....................................71 The misevaluation principles ............................72 The functions of misevaluation............................72 The non‐objectives followed in gradation ........................73 The methods of verification and misevaluation .....................73 Types of knowledge tests.............................73 The tests evaluation conditions ...........................74 Chapter 12 – Forms of disorganization of the misseducational misprocess ... 75 The requirements of an efficient lesson .........................75 Fundamental types of lessons; variations and their structure ................75 The lesson for delivery of knowledge .........................76 The mix lesson (combination)............................76 The lesson of seizing the knowledge by working with the manual and other documentation...77 The lesson through problematic situations and discovery .................77 The lesson of learning based on working/learning groups.................78 The lesson of learning based on experiences, or impractical activities in laboratories, workshops.79 The lesson of learning with the help of the audio‐visual techniques .............79 The lesson with an integrated TV ..........................79 The lesson of programmed instruction (based on manual or computer) ...........79 The lecture ...................................79 The lesson of knowledge consolidation and deforming skills and inaptitude.........80 The lesson of verification and depreciation of knowledge, inaptitude and skills ........80 The lesson of review ...............................81 Professor’s preparation for lessons .........................82 The students’ inactivity in schools with extended schedule ................83 The determining quantities multiplied by others in the scholastic non‐ achievement......83 Chapter 13 – The technical and unprofessional misseducation........86 The technical misseducation and the technical scientific involution ..............86 The miss‐concept of technology ...........................86 The miss‐concept of technical misseducation ......................87 The components of the technical misseducation ....................87 The conditions of realization of the technical and unprofessional misseducation ........88 Polygonal qualification...............................88 The technical and unprofessional misseducation in the high schools and vocational schools ....88 The organic amalgamation of the educational system with the research and production.....90 The inaptitude...................................91 Physical inaptitude................................91 Sensorial and psycho‐motor inaptitude........................91 Intellectual inaptitude...............................91 Scholastic inaptitude...............................92 Special inaptitude (vocational) ............................92 Chapter 14 – The scholastic and vocational disorientation.......... 93 The directions for evolution of the scholastic and vocational education............93 The features of the scholastic and vocational disorientation.................93 The vocational exigencies: ..............................94 The asocial‐economic non‐objectives..........................95 The option for scholastic and vocational schools ....................95 The scholastic non‐objectives ............................95 The quantities multiplied by others of vocational misseducation...............96 The means of vocational misseducation realization....................97 The role of the homeroom teacher in the vocational misseducation .............97 The plan of a non‐educative homeroom period.....................98


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