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Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ, 2 : Preparing for God's Paradise, Volume Two

By Wantang, Felix

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Book Id: WPLBN0003466770
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Reproduction Date: 7/30/2014

Title: Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ, 2 : Preparing for God's Paradise, Volume Two  
Author: Wantang, Felix
Volume: Volume Two
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Biblical Studies
Collections: Authors Community, Christianity
Publication Date:
Publisher: Felix Wantang
Member Page: Felix Wantang


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Wantang, B. F. (2014). Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ, 2 : Preparing for God's Paradise, Volume Two. Retrieved from

One common attribute we all share as humans is the fact that whenever there is an important future event, we always make necessary preparations in anticipation of an outcome from the event. We do this with childbirth, graduation from school, marriage, vacation, and death. But when it comes to the second visit of Jesus Christ leading to the End of the Age, we seem to care less about the need for some serious preparations. Before death, we will all come to a point in life when we subconsciously without notice start to briefly analyze our path; where we came from, where we are, and where we honestly think we are going after death. After this unprecedented brief moment, our next step is largely determined by the analysis obtained from the pause. That you accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God is not enough to save you from hell; you must repent and live by God’s law to enter His Paradise in Heaven. Anybody can believe in Jesus Christ; but not everybody can live for Jesus Christ. God made you for a specific unique supernatural divine purpose beyond your imaginable dreams. This book will guide you, restore you, energize you, and move you to that place where you seriously start to prepare to have your salvation completely sealed through him as you successfully live to please God through Jesus Christ. This book is a sequel to “Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ”.

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to convince Jesus that he is not worthy to continue with this mission, Felix Wantang had no choice but to proceed with Volume 2 of this incredible journey to bring this revelation to the world. He finds himself trapped in the arms of Jesus Christ who continues to lecture him on the mysteries of God’s kingdom and the Language of Heaven. His journey with Jesus Christ is designed to help the world understand the teachings of Jesus Christ, Biblical mysteries, God’s divine plan for humanity, the Language of Heaven, and the precisely what it takes to enter God’s Paradise in Heaven because the Church for the most part has lost its way.

The opening statement in the Holy Bible talks about two different worlds; it unveils the heavens and the earth.“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. One remarkable feature that sets heaven apart from the earth is the fact that while everything about heaven is supernatural, the earth on the other hand is strictly natural. This spiritual demarcation was established in fulfillment of God’s law of divine number 2. The law states that members of a pair must be the exact opposites of each other. The Book of Revelation talks about the battle of the End of the Age which will take place during the second visit of Jesus Christ. We know that Satan will wage war against God’s kingdom. As Christians, every time we read the Book of Revelation, we immediately assume that this looming battle will be the first of its kind in human history.

Table of Contents
CONTENTS My Prayer vii Prayer Request ix Acknowledgement x Introduction xiii Chapter 1: The Battle of the Holy Trinity 1 Why Satan Tempted Jesus Christ 1 Your Spiritual Job Description 10 God’s Template of the World 11 Temptation Number One 13 Temptation Number Two 17 Temptation Number Three 30 Summary of the Three Temptations 37 The Sins of the World 38 The Gift of Temptation 45 Chapter 2: Preparing for the Mission 48 The Last Passover Lamb 48 Dreams 57 The Ten Commandments-Prayer 59 Chapter 3: The Birth of Jesus Christ 68 John the Baptist 68 The Supernatural Conception 69 The First Disciples 78 The Second Adam 82 Chapter 4: God’s Blueprint 87 Why Jesus started at the Age of Thirty 87 The First Two Miracles of Healing 91 Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man 94 Marah 96 Supernatural Spiritual Flavor 102 Divine Number 12 107 Chapter 5: Spiritual Mandate 120 Receiving the Holy Spirit 120 The Laws of God 127 Authority and Power 131 Satan 139 God and Money 144 God’s Prescription for Fallen Greedy Pastors 157 Congratulations! 158 My Dream 158 About the Author 159 Other Books by Felix Wantang 160 Value Index 161


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