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The Machinery of Homeopathy : Can Homoeopathy Tackle Ebola?

By Ved from Victoria Institutions

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Book Id: WPLBN0003468384
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.2 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/12/2014

Title: The Machinery of Homeopathy : Can Homoeopathy Tackle Ebola?  
Author: Ved from Victoria Institutions
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Homeopathy
Collections: Authors Community, Medicine
Publication Date:
Publisher: Victoria Institutions


APA MLA Chicago

From Victoria Institutions, B. V. (2014). The Machinery of Homeopathy : Can Homoeopathy Tackle Ebola?. Retrieved from

Can Homoeopathy cure Ebola? Can it cure any human or animal disease? If so, what is the machinery that Homeopathy uses?

The following is the conversation that I had on the site with regard to the machinery of Homoeopathy. The conversation had initiated in a most disinterested manner. However what spurred me to continue it were the responses of David Kroll and jgc56 to my comments. I am grateful to both of them for having spurred me to write these words. When I took time to read the whole length of the conversation, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had written so much. I decided to bring it out as a digital book. Only my side of the conversation is given in this digital book.

First comment posted on The contention that there is absolutely no cure for Ebola might be too far-fetched considering that Homeopathy is not being discussed. Some wise guys who run Wikipedia has written very prominently that Homeopathy is quackery. However, there are persons who do get huge amounts of health benefit from such ‘quackery’. Even now it would be quite wise, and a deed of great responsibility to try out Homeopathy based preventive medicines. In fact, the expense of distributing this might not be expensive at all. Only thick-heads running the show would refrain from discussing homeopathy at this juncture.

Table of Contents
Only one Chapter


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