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Modeling Evaporation Processes in a Saline Soil from Saturation to Oven Dry Conditions : Volume 15, Issue 7 (04/07/2011)

By Gran, M.

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Book Id: WPLBN0003985432
Format Type: PDF Article :
File Size: Pages 13
Reproduction Date: 2015

Title: Modeling Evaporation Processes in a Saline Soil from Saturation to Oven Dry Conditions : Volume 15, Issue 7 (04/07/2011)  
Author: Gran, M.
Volume: Vol. 15, Issue 7
Language: English
Subject: Science, Hydrology, Earth
Collections: Periodicals: Journal and Magazine Collection, Copernicus GmbH
Publication Date:
Publisher: Copernicus Gmbh, Göttingen, Germany
Member Page: Copernicus Publications


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Saaltink, M. W., Olivella, S., Carrera, J., & Gran, M. (2011). Modeling Evaporation Processes in a Saline Soil from Saturation to Oven Dry Conditions : Volume 15, Issue 7 (04/07/2011). Retrieved from

Description: GHS, Institute of Enviromental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), CSIC, Barcelona, Spain. Thermal, suction and osmotic gradients interact during evaporation from a salty soil. Vapor fluxes become the main water flow mechanism under very dry conditions. A coupled nonisothermal multiphase flow and reactive transport model was developed to study mass and energy transfer mechanisms during an evaporation experiment from a sand column. Very dry and hot conditions, including the formation of a salt crust, necessitate the modification of the retention curve to represent oven dry conditions. Experimental observations (volumetric water content, temperature and concentration profiles) were satisfactorily reproduced using mostly independently measured parameters, which suggests that the model can be used to assess the underlying processes. Results show that evaporation concentrates at a very narrow front and is controlled by heat flow, and limited by salinity and liquid and vapor fluxes. The front divides the soil into a dry and saline portion above and a moist and diluted portion below. Vapor diffusses not only upwards but also downwards from the evaporation front, as dictated by temperature gradients. Condensation of this downward flux causes dilution, so that salt concentration is minimum and lower than the initial one, just beneath the evaporation front. While this result is consistent with observations, it required adopting a vapor diffusion enhancement factor of 8.

Modeling evaporation processes in a saline soil from saturation to oven dry conditions

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