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Multiscaling of Porous Soils as Heterogeneous Complex Networks : Volume 15, Issue 6 (26/11/2008)

By Santiago, A.

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Book Id: WPLBN0003988200
Format Type: PDF Article :
File Size: Pages 10
Reproduction Date: 2015

Title: Multiscaling of Porous Soils as Heterogeneous Complex Networks : Volume 15, Issue 6 (26/11/2008)  
Author: Santiago, A.
Volume: Vol. 15, Issue 6
Language: English
Subject: Science, Nonlinear, Processes
Collections: Periodicals: Journal and Magazine Collection, Copernicus GmbH
Publication Date:
Publisher: Copernicus Gmbh, Göttingen, Germany
Member Page: Copernicus Publications


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Benito, R. M., Losada, J. C., Cárdenas, J. P., Borondo, F., Santiago, A., & Tarquis, A. M. (2008). Multiscaling of Porous Soils as Heterogeneous Complex Networks : Volume 15, Issue 6 (26/11/2008). Retrieved from

Description: Grupo de Sistemas Complejos, Departamento de Física, E.T.S.I. Agrónomos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain. In this paper we present a complex network model based on a heterogeneous preferential attachment scheme to quantify the structure of porous soils. Under this perspective pores are represented by nodes and the space for the flow of fluids between them is represented by links. Pore properties such as position and size are described by fixed states in a metric space, while an affinity function is introduced to bias the attachment probabilities of links according to these properties. We perform an analytical study of the degree distributions in the soil model and show that under reasonable conditions all the model variants yield a multiscaling behavior in the connectivity degrees, leaving a empirically testable signature of heterogeneity in the topology of pore networks. We also show that the power-law scaling in the degree distribution is a robust trait of the soil model and analyze the influence of the parameters on the scaling exponents. We perform a numerical analysis of the soil model for a combination of parameters corresponding to empirical samples with different properties, and show that the simulation results exhibit a good agreement with the analytical predictions.

Multiscaling of porous soils as heterogeneous complex networks

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