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Destroyers : Destroying God's Good Earth, Volume III

By Mckay, Dave

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Book Id: WPLBN0004023739
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.5 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/6/2008

Title: Destroyers : Destroying God's Good Earth, Volume III  
Author: Mckay, Dave
Volume: Volume III
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Eschatology
Collections: Religion, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China
Publication Date:
Publisher: Print Shop
Member Page: Leo Browne


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Mckay, B. D. (2008). Destroyers : Destroying God's Good Earth, Volume III. Retrieved from

This is the final book in the end-time trilogy by David Mckay. Like the other two books, "Survivors" and "Listening", "Destroyers" covers roughly the same period in Earth's history, but in a different location through the eyes of a different person. This book looks at world events from the perspective of a poor, handicapped teenager living in a remote village in Kenya. For Moses, the major events of the world are of little consequence except as they relate to his daily needs; but in the process of trying to get ahead he finds himself traveling the world and even playing a key role in events that shape history. Will success bring him happiness? Or will it destroy him? There is something of Moses Chikati in each of us.

Moses Chikati is a teenage boda-boda driver in the Kenyan interior, struggling to provide for himself and his younger sister, Rosy, at a time when the world is going through unprecedented turmoil. Circumstances bring Moses into contact with people on four different continents as he finds himself embroiled in some of the most significant events in earth's history.

With that final thought in mind, he pushed his left big toe slowly away from his body. As he did, the string on the trigger moved, ever so slowly, sliding down toward the end of the curved trigger. Just as the gun erupted, he had seen it slip entirely off the trigger...

Table of Contents
Introduction - Shinyalu 1. Touble 2. Assistance 3. A Loan 4. A Tight Budget 5. Josephat 6. An Exciting Offer 7. Culture Shock 8. A Scanner Phone 9. Relations with Amy 10. Australia 11. Quaker Service 12. Back Home 13. Josephat Returns 14. Rosy Decided 15. Destruction 16. God's Good Earth 17. Implanted 18. Missing! 19. Unity 20. Becoming a Man 21. Josephat Spotted 22. Amy and the Kids 23. Abundance 24. Going to Far 25. Another Disaster 26. Survival 27. Despair 28. An Invitation 29. The End of Josephat 30. Life in the Palace 31. The Entertainment Hall 32. The Alien 33. Another One 34. The Press Conference 35. Kakamega Forest Swahili Glossary


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