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Circumstantially Evolved Relationship

By Asija, Manohar

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Book Id: WPLBN0004102410
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 4.09 MB
Reproduction Date: 4/21/2016

Title: Circumstantially Evolved Relationship  
Author: Asija, Manohar
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Romantic Fiction
Collections: Authors Community, Literature
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-published
Member Page: Manohar Asija


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Asija, B. M. (2016). Circumstantially Evolved Relationship. Retrieved from

Two bank employees, one married male and the other unmarried female happened to mark affinity for self in the other. This unmarried person was the boss of the other one. In view of the mutual affinity, this boss visited the others residence for delivering in person the `invite` on the occasion of her marriage with an NRI doctor. In a couple of years, the marriage of both these persons reached the stage of irretrievable breakdown, as both were feeling suffocated with the behaviour and attitude of their spouses. By the by, they happen to divulge to each other the emotional injuries suffered at the hands of their respective callous spouses. However, they happen to be neighbours by virtue of the flat allotted to them by their bank under the self-financing scheme for its employees envisaged to reach them a surprise bonanza in a unique `no profit, no loss` basis. The events at the inlaws family in the case of both of them brought them physically closer, with the blessings of their parents. Thus, they happen to be `a circumstantially evolved couple`.

It appears to me that almost every religion tends to circumscribe the reasoning potentials of its followers. The self-styled custodian of the religious beliefs would not take it upon himself as a duty to seek the explanations of the `deviating folk`, unless an explosive situation emerges,” Nidhi expresses her opinion in the presence of the lone listenerShe says, “Even at this moment, some kuchcha structure is visible. A notice board is also clearly visible from here. I think, lets move towards that hut, to check, if that hermit is still using that hutment even after a period of fifty five years has gone by.” He looks undecided, but his wife almost drags him towards that sign-board. It reads the same contents. The door seems to have been bolted from inside. They move away awfully, lest they disturb the hermits peace. …. Nidhi often happens to recall her days when she had once heard from Anirudh that Smritis father is a doctor in a government dispensary and has been living an ostentatious type of life. It had resulted in his daughter always complaining of the total absence of modern amenities for leading `a moderately comfortable life` at in-laws home. … Satyam Joshi too is fascinated by this news item on the channel. In a minute, he ejaculates, “Bravo! This young leader has emerged so strong. Hell certainly show the right way to outdated leaders, stuck in rhetorics.” His wife Ramla says, “Its all drama. … Nidhi deliberately provided her guest to ask about her life with Doctor Roy; and informed the questioner that having lived with her during a very pleasant honeymoon trip and a couple of days back in the family, her man was to go back to his official place of work in U A.E. .... Revival of Acquaintance, after 65 Years ... At Laljis residence, a maid opens the door and looked into the visitors face, who asks the woman to inform Mr Lalji that his friend Jaggi is here. At this, she smiles and tells him that `Sahib Ji` is waiting for him. She lets him in and searches around to ascertain that there is none behind the visitor. Then, she leads him to Laljis bedroom. The bed-ridden Lalji smiles at the visitor and speaks to him in a very faint voice, “How are you, Jaggi?” … “In case, you permit me to call that very person who told me this fact, right now I may present that person before you.” … No, I have been touching your feet, during my visits to your abode in the temple. How can I forget the blessings I have been receiving from `Kanya Kumari` (the religiously believed unwed young girl, as a semblance of goddess Parvati)?” …. “Mame, I had decided to end my life, because my mother could not stop her pestering me to quickly squeeze Anirudhs wealth, as the marriage with him had been rendered in fructuous, because his utter neglect in bed, not only of my presence but also of shameless overtures from my end, when I felt badly `starved of orgasm`, for a long stretch of months. Of course, I had taken a drastic step in tormenting him with my overstay at my parental home, without any legitimate cause. I should have taken an objective view of my needs. The failure on my own part, drove me to depression, as diagnosed by my `Nani Ji`.” Nidhi asks, “Is your grandma a doctor?” … “Honey-maker or Money-maker for the family?“ … At the residence of Santas daughter Preeti, there emerges a war-like environment at this point of time. Almost a week ago, two policemen appeared at their door; picked up her son Somesh, having asked about the presence of Yukta, ordered him to accompany them to the Police Station Bara Bazaar. ... ... Dr Vasant Kumar is thus reminded of the fact that his mother-in-law depended on him rather than on her son Anirbans whose interest in entering into matrimonial bond with the Christian girl of his choice for enjoying life in many spheres except raising a family is not in tune with the cherished philosophy of Mrs Bhutani. ... Revealment of the Trauma during days of Innocence .... Yukta was sensing signals as coming from her friend Somesh aiming to convey his desire to enter into wedlock with her. So, she began considering the life ahead with him. Her strong talent for sincerity of purpose impelled her to let the `wouldbe lifemate`, be enlightened by her about the trauma of `criminal assault` suffered by her during her adolescence. .... Yoon To Koi Sambandh Na Tha; Phir Bhi Raha Sambandh! .. Thus, she started her life afresh, with the aid of one artificial leg. Inspired by her kin, she moved forward towards achieving her ambitious goal, cherished since early days of adolescence. It was to scale the Mount Everest and thus become the first ever human with artificial leg to stand on the top of the world, one day. ... During the past 60 hours, Dr Prakash could not have even a wink of sleep, resulting in frequent bouts of drowsiness. Being a `faithful Christian`, he would never disclose the contents of the matter reposed in him by his patient, yet the `legal obligations deemed to be known to every citizen of the land are `hammering at his head`. His `optimum level of honesty `demands his explanations` every moment. He suspects to get a `stroke` as a result of “`this piquant situation` might kill me,” Prakash tells self. ... It is around 7.30pm, as the door bell rings. Nidhi opens the door. Mrs Thareja is there at the door step of Nidhis flat. As the visitor smiles, Nidhi bows down to her; and is bending a bit more to touch her mother-in-laws feet, but the lady stops her by way of pulling Nidhi to her warm hug. .. 62 years gone, A Gangrape Case Comes to Surface yet once again Since the arrival back at Bhutanis house in the evening, Soma looks perturbed, as is felt by Dr Kumar and his family. Next day, Dr Prakash, on his daily visit to his friends house, also happens to mark an intriguing expression in Somas face. He asks her, “Mausi, are you all right?” ... On the Christmas Eve, Dr Vasant Kumar invites the `Nirmohi Baba to join the late evening party being organized by him in collaboration with Dr Prakash. A few common friends, together with families of conveners are present in the gathering of fifty-odd persons. ... Soma has marked the presence of Bhana who had disturbed her mental equilibrium, last week at his own doorsteps. When she was slicing with a sharp knife the fresh cake being distributed amongst the guest, by the volunteers like Edward, Sukriti and Somesh, Bhan Chand happened to have cast a direct glance at Soma. It enraged the old lady and she rushed to take control of Bhanas reflexes, by pointing her knife very close to his neck before ejaculating, “Ill slit your throat. On Christmas day, around mid-day, almost every news channel was repeatedly showing its breaking news: Attempt by an old lady to stab a person of like age, at a Christmas Eve party celebrations. On the 28th December, the newspaper have published the news about the suicide committed by the Nirmohi Baba, at his residence where he usually spent his nights during cold season, instead of using his hut in Roshan Ara Park, for spending night as well as day during April to October . A copy of the suicide note purportedly written by the person Bhan Chand alias Bhana, resident of ***************** To substantiate accurately the justification on his part to end his life, we must focus our attention on the date-sequence of a few occurrences, (I) right from the time on December 15 when he was returning from the `Uthala` pertaining to the memory of Raj Govindwal to his door step after having alighted from his auto-rickshaw driven by his personal servant, he happened to be introduced by Channi to his three guests, all of whom he had already known, though in two different contexts .... Around 8.30, Dr Prakash returns home to find his usually cheerful wife Hillary in a morose mood. Sitting close to her, he looks around to check if Edward is around. Before, he could speak out, Hillary ejaculates, Joseph, at the moment, all the families around us are enjoying the new-year eve, but we are still under the effect of baneful Christmas Eve.” \ Two Faces Humbled Down, to cheer the Third one … “Okay guys! Lets request Ms Joshi to sweeten our tongues, without any delay, as we have to concentrate on the agenda for the todays bi-monthly meet of our Forum.” Thus, they applause the `cake-cutting` ceremony to toast the health of Aam Admi Party, headed by Mr Kejriwal; and immediately thereafter they turned to attend to the feast of `Paneer Pakodas`, `Samosas prepared at this very café. Destiny Opens ItselfAt this very moment, a bus happens to gain speed while following her; she indicates this vehicle onto her left to overtake. But the bus driver loses controls over his steering as he abruptly happens to mark the action of videography. … By this time, the peculiar horn of the `emergency vehicle` is clearly audible. In a few seconds, the injured man was picked up and placed in the ambulance, where one doctor and a nurse were there to take charge of their patient to be taken to the nearest hospital. … While driving, Nidhi remained unmindful of Anirudh for some time. Ritu observed this; and she spoke in a low voice, “Anirudh Bhai Saheb` too has suffered injuries. He almost swooned.” Nidhi continued driving, but asked him without looking into her boyfriends direction, “Anirudh, Please tell me, how are you feeling now?” It is how this relationship evolved out of the circumstances each of the duo faced in life.


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