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For Sales' Sake Meditate!: A New Concept in Sales Training Unlike Any Other

By Daczynski, Vincent, J

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002547
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Reproduction Date: 10/26/17

Title: For Sales' Sake Meditate!: A New Concept in Sales Training Unlike Any Other  
Author: Daczynski, Vincent, J
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Transcendental Meditation
Collections: Authors Community, New Age
Publication Date:
Publisher: YogiVinceBooks LLC
Member Page: Vincent Daczynski


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J Daczynski, B. V. (2002). For Sales' Sake Meditate!. Retrieved from

Transcendental Meditation is a coined term for an ancient teaching dating back to the earliest records of human experience. It is a sacred science which heretofore has been reverently guarded and imparted by Masters only to the most trusted, favored and zealous students. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder and the inspirational leader of the world-wide Transcendental Meditation movement, has broken the exclusive tradition and brought this ancient teaching to the mundane world in response to the tumultuous times in which we live. This book explores this ancient teaching in light of its application to sales development training. Part I provides an introduction and orientation to the essence of the wise teachings and shows how this essence is the single key required for the personal development of a salesman. Part II discusses how, through the practice of the TM-Sidhi program, people can accelerate their personal development towards unfolding a state of consciousness called cosmic consciousness, or enlightenment Mind is the ultimate frontier and contains the greatest potential power. The purpose of this book is to introduce a system of personal development which can unfold the full utilization of your mental potential. Already, many internationally renowned corporations have taken advantage of the ancient teachings described in this book by implementing Transcendental Meditation programs for the personal development of their executives and employees. It behooves you to learn about this most advanced method available for sales development training.

Here is a new approach to sales training unlike any other! The sales training concepts presented in this sales training book are supported by over 600 scientific research studies conducted at over 200 universities and research institutes in 33 countries, and published in more than 100 major scientific journals. The days of using high-powered razzle-dazzle, motivational hype, gimmickry, pep-talks and adrenaline-pump sessions, which only temporarily excite and motivate salesmen, is obsolete. This book is about training salesmen from within. Discover how a simple technique can unlock one's inner energy, intelligence and creativity, and apply those to selling, to naturally increase sales while reducing stress. Only a new seed will grow a new crop. The old ways of sales training will produce old results. A new sales training approach will produce new results. For Sales Sake Meditate! is that new sales training approach! This is not just another sales training book. This sales training book is the most advanced concept in sales training currently available. Based on the Transcendental Meditation program, this sales training book sets a new paradigm in sales training. The vast amount of empirical and scientific evidence supporting the Transcendental Meditation program as the most advanced method available for sales training cannot be ignored. Read this book now and open your awareness to a broadened understanding of human potential and its development; discover how the secret teachings of the ancient wise men can improve your sales. Many major corporations have used this new approach to help them beat their competition. If you are not already competing against this new sales training program, you will be!

From: Chapter 3, Positive Thinking is Not Enough . . . It is my conviction that this premise of thinking positive in order to be positive is wrong, and therefore, will produce limited results. Being positive does not result from thinking positive. Thinking positive comes from being positive. The effect comes from the cause and not vice versa. I realize that I must be stepping on a lot of toes, but follow along with me for a while as I develop this theme and you will discover the shortcoming in the positive thinking approach to achieving success. Certainly, benefits have been experienced from positive thinking programs. However, when positive thinking is not natural, but forced, the results, at best, will be limited, temporary, and self-deluding. It is like putting the cart before the horse. Some progress will be made. However, a broader perspective of the mechanics of progress will conclude that maximum progress will be made when the horse is placed before the cart. Similarly, we must first be positive and then we will think positive. So being precedes thinking. And thinking is the basis for action. Before you can act there must be some thought impulse. Thinking precedes action. Effective thinking will yield effective action. First being, then thinking, then action – this is the sequence for maximum success. We begin to see the key to success and the method to achieve it. We must transcend the level of positive thinking and be positive. Positive thinking will thereby occur in a natural, spontaneous manner; it will not be a contrived mood-making mental manipulation. . . . I am not against positive thinking. Of course, everyone should think in positive terms. I maintain, however, that positive thinking should have its basis in that deep inner status of being positive. Positive thinking should not be a mood that is painted on one's psyche by daily pep talks. That is delusion and operates on the horizontal thinking level of the mind. Sales training programs lack the vertical depth required to enable salesmen to become positive from within themselves, and to express that positivity from that inner level. . . . Since the philosophy of positive thinking is incomplete, the results must be incomplete. In order to develop a supersalesman – and super means 'totally developed’ – we must have a holistic teaching. . . The knowledge for the holistic development of the individual is the ancient key to success, dealt with in greater detail in the next chapter.

Table of Contents
Author’s Note Endorsements Preface PART I Chapter 1: What in the Name of Sales? Chapter 2: The Lost Sale Chapter 3: Positive Thinking Is Not Enough Chapter 4: The Ancient Key to Success Chapter 5: The TM Technique Chapter 6: Gaining More Energy Chapter 7: Unfolding Your Mental Potential Chapter 8: Being More Efficient Chapter 9: Good Health brings Wealth Chapter 10: Conquering Emotional Inhibitors Chapter 11: Creating a Happy Home Life Chapter 12: Your Seven Steps to Success PART II Chapter 13: The TM-Sidhi Program Chapter 14: Experiencing Levitation Chapter 15: Why Practice Yogic Flying? Chapter 16: An Invitation to Enlightenment Chapter 17: Frequently Asked Questions Chapter 18: Getting Started Appendix A: Inspirational Quotes by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Appendix B: Motivational Quotes by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Appendix C: Meditation Quotes by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Epilogue About the Author


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