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Identities : How Governed, Who Pays

By Paksoy, HB, Ph.D.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002733
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Reproduction Date: 8/1/2001

Title: Identities : How Governed, Who Pays  
Author: Paksoy, HB, Ph.D.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Political Science, Philosophy
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: Lawrence: Carrie
Member Page: erasmus rotterdamus


APA MLA Chicago

Hb Paksoy, B. P. (2001). Identities : How Governed, Who Pays. Retrieved from

3. According to my records, this effort was begun in 1983. In the ensuing years, I filled close to a dozen notebooks on various aspects of identity. For the first sixteen years of this process, the primary idea was to better understand the nature of the subject. 4. While teaching courses on World History and Intercultural Studies in four different universities, perceptive student questions on these topics further stimulated the process. 5. What finally persuaded me to organize these notebooks, to the extent presented here, was the realization that most if not all discussions of identity in print have been applied cases. 6. I, too, produced works on applied identity in the past. Some even appeared in print in various countries on three continents. 7. After reading the latest commentaries on applied identity studies, a thought presented itself that a more general discussion might be beneficial to all concerned regardless of the discipline, nationality, ethnicity or any other concern.

14. Here, the question: "is there a set of universal principles governing identity?" presents itself. 15. Most identities in existence today have successfully transformed themselves from their origins by means of organization, necessity and diligence. This adaptation or new formation is the result of conscious choices and methods created, borrowed, or adapted for the purpose. 16. Not all identities traveled through the same journey to reach their positions. 17. Yet, when examined, one can detect a wide variety of principles or actions that constitute the least a common denominator. 18. An understanding of these commonalities, or the efforts leading to that objective, will help all in the direction of a more stable common base, shorn of emotion and without special pleading. 19. A word on the structure: Each paragraph is meant to be a beginning point for discussion on that particular proposition. 20. Perhaps the paragraph type of presentation may also clarify the steps involved in the process, allowing the construction of the larger vista by applicable additions. The method dates back and was used by scores of individual Thought Employers, including Marcus Aurelius, Balasagunlu Yusuf and Wittgenstein.

1. There are always Secret Identities in every polity. 2. The purpose of constituting a secret identity is to escape the prevailing rules in the environment in which the identity is established. 3. Some secret identities are regular identities, forced underground by the dominant identity. 4. Some secret identities are formed to gain advantage over other identities in the same polity. 5. Further secret identities are formed in order to secure the interests of the governance strata. 6. No secret identity can remain secret forever. Most, if not all, attributes of a secret identity will be uncovered in time; be it belief system, commercial, official or any other. 7. Whatever reason may have impelled the formation of a secret identity, left entirely unchecked and un-audited, it will corrupt itself. 8. Whatever the identity, it will adhere to the principles adumbrated in this work.

Table of Contents
Identities: How Governed, Who Pays? by H.B. Paksoy ________________________________________ Lawrence, KS: Carrie 2001 Simultaneous print and e-version release ©2001 H.B. Paksoy TABLE OF CONTENTS • 01 Introduction • 02 Uses of Identity • 03 Official Identity • 04 Leavening of Identity • 05 Identity of Governance • 06 Commercial Identity • 07 Interactions of Identities • 08 Corporate Identity • 09 Identity of Belief Systems • 10 Mosaic Identity • 11 Technological and Future Identities • 12 Secret Identities • 13 Observations • A Brief Biographical Note


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