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Humans on Mars, and Beyond

By Paksoy, HB, Ph.D.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002734
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.2 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/11/2012

Title: Humans on Mars, and Beyond  
Author: Paksoy, HB, Ph.D.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Political Science, Philosophy
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: Create Space
Member Page: erasmus rotterdamus


APA MLA Chicago

Hb Paksoy, B. P. (2012). Humans on Mars, and Beyond. Retrieved from

Mars, to our current knowledge, does not contain any native populations. However, the Earthlings arriving there, once again, will bring their own institutions with them. In this case, we may even surmise, more than one system, given the proliferation of space technology among nations of diverse backgrounds. That also means there will be more than one culture, as well as Governance method. Does that herald a clash of cultures and Governance modes? At that point, it becomes necessary to spend some overview time, looking at the behavior on Earth.

The purpose of this collection is not to discuss the technologies required for the round trip. Nor is it to discuss the ‘inevitability’ of human quest to explore. Instead, the focus is on politically ‘what will happen’ when the humans reach Mars.

It can be argued that the primary use of history is to learn the lessons from the experiences of the past human polities. The familiar timeline that is usually attached to historical study is necessary in order to know the flow of events in the proper sequence. The lessons will be skewed if Reformation is considered before Christ. Then comes the most critical of the steps; how those lessons are identified and learned. Perhaps it is easier to notice a lesson than learning it. Since history is the record of humans, the learning of the historical lessons can be very problematic. Humans tend to believe what they wish. They can create images in their minds, and propagate that image in media even when no such event was recorded anywhere. As one result, the wrong lessons may be learned from the historical record. And those wrong lessons, in the hands of overly ambitious leadership teams can lead to disaster; not only to nations, but also to the world. Libraries and bookstores are full of volumes showing what happened in the aftermath of a historical lesson incorrectly learned.

Table of Contents
Humanities on Mars Tengri on Mars Governance on Mars Imperialism on Mars Antarctica Treaty Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies


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