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A Philosophical Reproach to Climate Change : A Tool to Teach Heat & Temperature to Child & Scientist Alike

By Cundin, Luisiana, Xavier

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002856
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 5/12/2015

Title: A Philosophical Reproach to Climate Change : A Tool to Teach Heat & Temperature to Child & Scientist Alike  
Author: Cundin, Luisiana, Xavier
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science, Climate Change, Global Warming
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: Amazon KDP
Member Page: Luisiana Cundin


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Xavier Cundin, B. L. (2015). A Philosophical Reproach to Climate Change : A Tool to Teach Heat & Temperature to Child & Scientist Alike. Retrieved from

Provides critical reproach to the cornerstone concept for Climate Change. Throughout history, the phenomenon of heat has caused much consternation for scientists, heat being more often misconstrued an object rather than energy, whose error is commonly seen among children attempting to grasp the concept of heat; once the misperception of heat being an object be made, the thinker is lead astray immediately, causing many derivative errors in thought. So is the case in that dreary theory called Climate Change, which both rests upon an erroneous perception of heat and does further error by derivation upon.

eye-opening investigation of Climate Change science, the Greenhouse Effect and the fatal flaw that this most turgid and dreary eschatological theory has made regarding the nature of heat and temperature. Despite the potential technical difficulties associated with the subject of Climate Change, the material is presented in a very approachable manner, without equations or graphs, employing everyday language and, even though it's style of writing harks to an earlier Time, it is a pleasant read, with a bit of humor added in for good measure. Of course, as to whether this book puts the question of Climate Change to bed is a matter entirely up to you, the reader, nevertheless, the approach is most efficient, in that it attacks the keystone premise of the Greenhouse Effect, plus, shows to the reader, in loving patience, exactly where the fundamental flaw in logic rests. The arguments are presented without vitriol, by an experienced physicist, with the expressed aim of enlightening the general public about a rather humiliating and embarrassing error made by Climate Change scientist.

It is indeed a rare occurrence to encounter so grave a philosophy as occasioned by Climate Change, especially, within our Science; but, to be afforded an opportunity, so fortuitous, to enable overturning accepted theory is even rarer still. If one should allay, if only momentarily, hysteria conjured up by those more dire prognostications of this rather dreary eschatology, one should find their intellect free to reckon with a rather foolish error. There, at the heart of this turgid mess, lay its Achilles’ heel, the Greenhouse Effect, which is its cornerstone premise and simultaneously its fateful undoing. It is by a childish error in judgment concerning heat that this troubling theory rest, a common misconception shared by elementary students, and is reminiscent of that now defunct and discredited theory of heat, the Caloric Theory. It is not to say, once understood, all mankind be exonerated, necessarily, from both his individual and collective behavior, which often affects environment, Self and Other so detrimentally; contrary, proper understanding does promise a more sober perspective towards what is more likely Man’s influence upon the climate of our Earth.


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