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Messenger of Bliss: How Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Set Off to Heal the World

By Zucker, Martin

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Book Id: WPLBN0100003011
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 35.25 MB
Reproduction Date: 5/11/2018

Title: Messenger of Bliss: How Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Set Off to Heal the World  
Author: Zucker, Martin
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Transcendental Meditation
Collections: Philosophy, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China, Favorites in India, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: YogiVinceBooks LLC
Member Page: Vincent Daczynski


APA MLA Chicago

Zucker, B. M. (2018). Messenger of Bliss. Retrieved from

A brief personal account, as related by one of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's closest associates, of the very early days of the Transcendental Meditation movement.

Charles F. Lutes, a Los Angeles concrete and steel salesman, was closely involved in the early efforts of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to introduce the practice of Transcendental Meditation around the world as an antidote to stress and a means of promoting societal harmony. As Maharishi’s meditation movement grew, Mr. Lutes coordinated much of the early business affairs, helped establish the country's first major TM center in 1959, and accompanied Maharishi on many trips. In this short book,.he writes about his and Maharishi's divergent backgrounds, the formation of the unique meditation technique that brought them together, and their activities in the years 1959-61.

Maharishi’s real destination on leaving India was the United States. An American had heard one of his talks and urged him to go to America, that his teaching would really catch on there. Maharishi felt also that if he could popularize meditation in the most progressive and creative country on earth, it would surely accelerate expansion of the practice elsewhere in the world. But getting to America — or anywhere, for that matter — was solely determined by the degree of support he could muster. His Indian followers paid his air passage to Burma. From there he made his way east slowly: Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Hawaii. In each place he managed to interest some individuals who then spread the word. Lectures were arranged in homes, halls, temples, and Maharishi initiated those who were interested. But the numbers were small. Modest centers were established, perhaps in someone’s home, but frequently to stop functioning once Maharishi had left. Homes and temples were opened to him and money raised to see him off to his next destination. Occasionally, a well-to-do new meditator would pay for his plane ticket. It was the beginning of a long, hard road.

Table of Contents
About the Author A Personal Note Chapter One: East Meets West Chapter Two: Holy Man from the Himalayas Chapter Three: Guru on the Go Chapter Four: Growing the Movement, Spreading Bliss


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