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Hallazgos Neurobiológicos Recientes de la Pedofilia : Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia

By Hernández, Hugo, Sánchez, Lic.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100003155
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File Size: 0.5 MB
Reproduction Date: 05/19/2018

Title: Hallazgos Neurobiológicos Recientes de la Pedofilia : Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia  
Author: Hernández, Hugo, Sánchez, Lic.
Volume: Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018
Language: Spanish
Subject: Non Fiction, Medicine, Mental disorder |  Paraphilia |  Pedophilia | 
Collections: Authors Community, Medicine
Publication Date:
Publisher: Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología capítulo Nuevo León, A.C.
Member Page: Wael Hikal


APA MLA Chicago

Hugo Sánchez Hernández, B. L. (2018). Hallazgos Neurobiológicos Recientes de la Pedofilia : Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018. Retrieved from

Pedophilia is rarely considered as a research target. The focus on some of the recent theories of the etiology of pedophilia such as neurodevelopment or alterations of brain structures and their function as the frontal, temporal and limbic cortex that have been proposed to try to understand the alterations in the development and neurobiology of the pedophile patient.

La pedofilia es raramente considerada como blanco de investigación. El enfoque sobre algunas de las recientes teorías de la etiología de la pedofilia como el neurodesarrollo o las alteraciones de las estructuras cerebrales y su función como la corteza frontal, temporal y límbica que se han propuesto para tratar de entender las alteraciones en el desarrollo y la neurobiología del paciente pedófilo.


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