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Physics Since Einstein : Volume 138

By Uitterdijk, Sjaak

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Book Id: WPLBN0100301818
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 5.66 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/3/2019

Title: Physics Since Einstein : Volume 138  
Author: Uitterdijk, Sjaak
Volume: Volume
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science, Physics
Collections: Authors Community, Science
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-published
Member Page: Sjaak Uitterdijk


APA MLA Chicago

Uitterdijk, B. S. (2019). Physics Since Einstein : Volume 138. Retrieved from

Fighting the blunders of modern physics is like fighting a hurricane by yelling at it, “Don’t do it, you’ll kill thousands of people!”

Each scientist in physics has the moral responsibility to try to adapt mathematics to physics. Einstein adapted physics to his mathematics in his Special Theory of Relativity, with which the decay of physics began

A few decades after the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) was published the genie was out of the bottle. Supported by the General Theory of Relativity too, nothing in physics was impossible anymore: light has the magic property of being c relative to whatever reference: the most unphysical, to express it mildly, hypothesis ever created in physics, mass can be generated by an arbitrary energy just by dividing it by c2, time dilation has been used to create space-time, space-time causes black holes, matter and gravitational waves got accepted as realistic physical phenomena, muons got equipped with their own clock in order to adapt their decay time to their velocity, electrons got spinning by creating fundamentally wrong evidence, the particle-wave duality effectively got accepted as a formal theory, leading to the most unrealistic physical models, etc., etc. This book shows these mistakes and suggests realistic models.

Table of Contents
Prologue I Einstein's and Galilei's Principle of Relativity II E=mc2: a self-evident non-physical equation III Maxwell’s equations, Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and the Lorentz transformation: a historical review IV Analysis of the Around-the-World Atomic Clocks Experiment V From astronomical to terrestrial light VI The Doppler shift and the Special Theory of Relativity VII Conventional Definition of Potential Energy is Controversial VIII Why a photon is not a particle IX Matter Waves: a fable X Gravitational Waves: a fable XI Planck’s Theory of Heat Radiation criticized XII Correcting for Relativity in GPS makes no sense XIII Religious Science XIV Velocity of cosmic muons most likely much higher than c XV The Time of the Photon XVI No Evidence for Spinning Electrons XVII Light in vacuum behaves like sound in air XVIII The mystery of vacuum XIX The umpteenth evidence XX What went wrong with the atomic mass unit XXI Why Heisenberg-Schrödinger’s atomic model is invalid XXII Atomic nuclei modelled without exotic particles and magic forces XXIII Avogadro constant in combat with atomic mass unit XXIV Is the Earth an Inertial System? XXV Velocity of an Electric Current XXVI How Electro Magnetic radiation raises temperature XXVII Quantum Electro Dynamics: a fully fuzzy fantasy XXVIII A Revised Principle of the Sagnac Interferometer XXIX From Maxwell’s equations to Electro-Magnetic Waves XXX Special Theory of Relativity based on fraudulent science? Epilogue


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