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Heaven is Coming : Jonah and WWII : Jonah and WWII

By Laura, Rochelle, A

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302393
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Reproduction Date: 5/11/2020

Title: Heaven is Coming : Jonah and WWII : Jonah and WWII  
Author: Laura, Rochelle, A
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, God's plan
Collections: Authors Community, Christianity
Publication Date:
Publisher: self


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A Laura, B. R., & Shasa Nyatanga, Illustrato, C. O. (2020). Heaven is Coming : Jonah and WWII. Retrieved from

“How glorious once above thy Sphere; Till Pride and worse Ambition threw me down Warring in Heav’n against Heav’ns matchless King.” Satan—Milton The purpose of this paper is to establish how the empire and subsequent ‘fall’ of Satan, is rescinded by Christ [the authority he bestowed on Lucifer (“light bearer”) this angel, cryptically designation as The Bright and Morning Star; an epitaph God revoked according to Rev 22. 16 attests; additionally the ‘fall’ is referred to in ‘heaven’ where the stars live, and this falling is associated with the Is 14 and Ezek 28 character who ‘fell’ (like a bomb-emphasis mine) who may have had the power of thermonuclear radiation, or stellar nurseries. This will introduce the necessity of puzzling out this riddle. Job echoes the theology of the conflict between Christ and Satan and the subsequent fall from grace by said regent, as stated, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:” Also Jonah as John Baptist

The rise and fall of Lucifer; the true Bright and Morning Star

Jonah is the only book of the Minor Prophets that is written as a narrative. When God commands Jonah to preach to Nineveh, a major city of Israel’s enemy, the Assyrian Empire, Jonah sails off in the opposite direction: God sends a storm, and Jonah asks to be thrown overboard. God sends a massive fish to swallow Jonah, and he lives in its belly until he agrees to do God’s will—sort of. When Nineveh repents—despite the fact that Jonah only speaks five words (in Hebrew) with an ambiguous message—the prophet becomes angry. By the end of the book, God has made his position known: he cares for all who call upon him, and he will give them mercy, no matter who they are. Finally, the dove or Jonah is proposed here to pre-figure John the Baptist. The story also mirrors the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD as the Ninevites were given forty days (a day is a year here) and forty years after John’s death the Romans destroyed the Jewish ritual sacrificial system that the Ninevites were in the grand scheme of things. Nineveh is symbolic of the repentance during Acts and Stephen when 3000 came to faith in Messiah, but alas the body of Jews rejected him, and so were destroyed.

Table of Contents
Introduction 3 The Need for — the Satan Controversy 3 Biblical/Exegetical Studies 4 The Book of Job 4 Isaiah and Ezekiel 5 The Doctrine of the Fall of Satan 6 Fallen from Heaven is Well Attested Elsewhere 8 What did Jesus See? 8 Is the time and the place of Lucifer’s fall simultaneous? We venture into this mystery further. 9 Where did Jesus see Satan Fall? 9 Theological Implications for Pastoral Counseling 9 Conclusion 10 Bibliography 12 PART 2 Introduction 3 Yonah 3 Structure 4 Message and Outline 5 Jon 1:1–17. Jonah—meaning in Hebrew, “Dove.” 5 Jonah 1—Call and Flight to Tarshish 6 Jonah is Allegorical of the Baptist 7 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 9


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