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By Johnson, Kevin, Wade

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303205
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.9 MB
Reproduction Date: 05/06/2014

Title: T-Man  
Author: Johnson, Kevin, Wade
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature
Collections: Science Fiction, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-Published
Member Page: Kevin Johnson


APA MLA Chicago

Wade Johnson, B. K. (2014). T-Man. Retrieved from

His own mother hasn't been willing to look at him since he was five years old. He and his twin sister have a connection that seems almost psychic. He realizes that close physical contact can let him know what others are thinking as well. His sister's different from most. He's different. But how? And why? He and his sister never knew their father, and their mother won't talk about the man. What they first learn only deepens the mystery. Could that have anything to do with how they're different? Maybe. But how? And why? They live in a more bureaucratic world. Mandatory service. Rules. Licenses. Their world is different. Could the difference be connected with theirs? Seems tenuous, but possible. Is And why? Trooper McInnes finds his talents lend themselves well to soldiering. Investigator McInnes becomes so good at detection that he gets a reputation for being practically telepathic. But he has to overcome the doubts his mother unwittingly saddled him with. He has to overcome the mystery that surrounds his and his sister's birth. He has to overcome the obstacles the world puts in his way. And he has to overcome the temptations that close physical contact can lead a young man into. How will he make his way to adulthood? How will he make his way in his world? Find out, and find out why he's called—

Gary McInnes gets his nickname of T-Man not from being transgender (although he meets and befriends a transwoman), but because of uncanny abilities he shows. How are they connected with this very different United States? Or the fact that his mother turns from him? He'll find out...

Table of Contents
Chapter One: School's Out Chapter Two: Back to Basics Chapter Three: G-Man Chapter Four: T-Man Chapter Five: Private Matters Chapter Six: The Visitors Chapter Seven: Points on the Plot Chapter Eight: Unraveling


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