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BANQUET OF THE LORD : In End-Time Events From Islamic & Christian Prophecies: In End-Time Events From Islamic & Christian Prophecies

By Albatarni, Abdulrahman

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303821
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Reproduction Date: 9/13/2021

Title: BANQUET OF THE LORD : In End-Time Events From Islamic & Christian Prophecies: In End-Time Events From Islamic & Christian Prophecies  
Author: Albatarni, Abdulrahman
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Eschatology
Collections: Authors Community, Religion
Publication Date:
Publisher: Lulu Press Inc.
Member Page: Abdulrahman Albatarni


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Albatarni, B. A. (2021). BANQUET OF THE LORD : In End-Time Events From Islamic & Christian Prophecies. Retrieved from

A study of the most important prophecies that reveal the events of the end time with explanation and scrutiny. This research is distinguished from others through compiling an integrated picture from various Islamic and Christian sources, and by focusing on understanding the texts, in a scientific, logical, realistic, and practical understanding which corresponds to an era in which we need to reconsider the understanding of some religious texts, which can be a primitive understanding that may be unrealistic and not commensurate with our time and nature.

One of the life norms that God Almighty, Blessed and Exalted, is that nothing lasts forever, only God’s Kingdom Will Last Forever. How many empires on which the sun never sets, and their kings had great authority, so they were arrogant on earth that they thought they have all powers of its disposal, so the command of God was reached without their expectation nor consent. And so today, we are living in the events of the end-time, and this does not mean that we are about to witness the end of the world, but rather we are about to witness the finale of the time period in which satanic forces dominated earth, which support the oppressor and suppress the oppressed, give the dispossessed and deprive the deprived, control the flow of life and monopolize all good things, drain all resources of life, divide societies and pit its groups against each other. We are about to witness the right and just end of these dark forces that have corrupted earth and shed blood, so that fathers do not know which life awaits their children, and children do not realize truth from falsehood, and there are no signs of salvation except through divine salvation and promised divine victory, (And it is of course ever incumbent upon Us to help the believers). We are about to witness the divine justice hand holding again all cards, as the Almighty promised us, and the honorable prophets preached us through ages, so congratulations to those who upheld the truth in this time, even with a word, and misery to those who underwent an injustice whose time is over, God willing.

I would like to express my opinion on the understanding of this context in comparison with the contemporary reality, and in comparison with the frame of the demographic nature of the settlers who occupy the Palestinian Holy Land today. The main races are the sons of Japheth as the text of the prophecy says: (Meshech (the son of Japheth, the son of Noah) and Tubal (He is also the son of Japheth)), in addition to large numbers of other races such as the Turks, the Franks, North Africa and Abyssinia as in the text: (Persia (Khazar tribes) and Cush (tribes of Abyssinia) and Put (tribes of North Africa) and Gomer (Franks tribes) and Togarmah (Turks tribes)) Add that their actions in reality are similar to the text’s description of the actions of the races invading the Holy Land, and the act of naming them with their ethnicities in the text has important connotation, just as the Zionist movement applies to the ideas and the sinister plan they drew to seize the land after emptying its villages and cities of its residents living in safety, which was not walled, and which has become uninhabited because of a plan they set up on the pretext of returning to a country that was not theirs, nor was it ever for their true ancestors, as we explained earlier in the topic of Gog and Magog.

Table of Contents
Introduction Islamic Prophecies Chapter I: Urban and Technological Development 1- Urban Development 2- Technological Development Chapter II: Political Events 1- The Establishment of the “State of Israel” 2- The Economic Blockade on Countries of Nile and Euphrates 3- The War Against Iraq 4- The War Against Al-Sham (Syria) 5- The Supporters of Al-Mahdi Chapter III: Seditions, Tribulations and Protents 1- Seditions 2- Tribulations 3- Protents Chapter IV: Major Signs 1- Gog and Magog 2- Al-Dajjal (The Antichrist) 3- Al-Mahdi the Awaited 4- Creature of Earth? 5- Cosmic Signs Christian Prophecies Chapter V: Prophecies of the Old Testament 1- Visions of the Kingdoms 2- War of the Holy Land Chapter VI: Prophecies of the New Testament 1- The Seven Seals 2- Birth of the Heavenly Woman 3- The Tribulation 4- The Beast of Revelation 5- The Second Coming of Christ Chapter VII: Prophecies from outside the Holy Book 1- The Prophecy of Saint Malachy 2- The Secrets of Fatima Conclusion


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