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Mind Book : The Mind Age Version: The Mind Age Version

By Putra, Himalaya

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Book Id: WPLBN0100750533
Format Type: PDF (eBook)
File Size: 2.45 MB.
Reproduction Date: 1/25/2025

Title: Mind Book : The Mind Age Version: The Mind Age Version  
Author: Putra, Himalaya
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Vipassana meditation (Self-help)
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Himalaya Putra
Member Page: Himalaya Putra


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Putra, H. (2025). Mind Book : The Mind Age Version. Retrieved from

The Mind Book - The Mind Age Version Discover the power of your mind. The Mind Book is a unique chronicle on Vipassana – India’s ancient meditation practice taught free of cost worldwide. Vipassana heralds The Mind Age – the phase of human evolution to harness the vast powers of the mind. Vipassana is practiced by people in more than 100 countries, representing all religions, socio-economic backgrounds of society. This includes heads of state, government leaders, CEOs, scientists, professionals, religious leaders, teachers, housewives, students and school children (practicing Anapana meditation). The author's experiences and insights from an unusual background make The Mind Book a must-read for everyone seeking quality in life – better relationships, harmony at home, efficiency at work – with the life-changing wisdom and benefits from Vipassana practice. The author was a senior journalist writing for leading Indian and international publications. He was a Dhamma worker (volunteer) in the premier Vipassana centre Dhamma Giri, and assistant teacher from 1999 to 2007. He served with the Principal Teacher of Vipassana S.N. Goenka. Since 2022 he renounced the mundane world to serve the world – to meditate in the Himalayas as an ascetic and share merits gained.

The Mind Book – The Mind Age Version is the re-written, more detailed and updated edition of the ‘Mind Book – Dhamma Giri to the Himalayas, a Vipassana Journey’. This one-of-a-kind book is an indepth chronicle on the world's oldest meditation practice, Vipassana. The book brilliantly combines the author's unusual personal experiences with a backdrop of a sweeping swathe of world history. Profit from sales proceeds and 100 percent writer’s royalty from the paperback version (published by White Falcon Publishing, India, USA, UK) are donated directly to the Global Vipassana Foundation that built the Global Pagoda. Like the unique Global Vipassana Pagoda, the Mind Book exists for more beings to benefit more from Vipassana – the millennia-old freely available, self-dependent path to real happiness. More people around the world practice Vipassana as the practical, universal inner technology to purify the mind - the tough adventure deep into the mind’s dark territory. This journey of courage cleans the mind, gives life-changing insights into this mind-matter phenomenon ‘I’. Vipassana enables real happiness. If you like rational, self-dependent hard work to making life better –at home, at work, to be in harmony with oneself and others, to get rid of negative thought patterns – then this book is the Vipassana path of reality calling you. The individual chooses to heed or ignore the call of freedom. If already on the Vipassana path, we work much harder, with stronger adhiṭṭhāna (determination) and deeper subtlety. We share benefits gained with all beings.

From the Chapter 'Mind Age': Mind Matters Most - The Mind Exercise The human mind: the classic enigma wrapped in mystery, a riddle with cunning tricks, a slave to inner enemies of impurities and delusions. The human mind: a warehouse of unused power so vast that wise gods envy life in the human plane of existence. The human mind: a Jekyll-Hyde storehouse of both great and horrific qualities, of the good and garbage gathered across time. No greater puzzle than the unaware mind – lost in shadow lands of apparent realities, a confused mind that cannot see reality, real happiness. The Vipassana light of awareness pierces the darkness of apparent reality - reality penetrating the mind’s dark dungeons like a laser light. Developed to its peak purity, nothing matches the power of the Vipassana light of insight - not even the 500 petawatts laser light from the National Ignition Facility, Livermore, California, USA (500 petawatts is more than 1000 times the total power output from all electric power plants on Earth). Vipassana insight leads to the liberating light of enlightenment –the indescribable state of Nibbana to go beyond the impermanence of mind and matter. This is the ultimate happiness and final freedom. *** Vipassana practice enables realizing how much the mind matters most. Otherwise, the mind misses the obvious. Easy to understand we need to take care of the body with healthy food and exercise. Forgotten, ignored or not realized is the need to take care of the mind. We bathe the body daily but leave the mind carelessly unclean - even as it gathers dirt and dust of days. We take care of bodily injuries as we should, but neglect the mind and its injuries accumulated from heedless thoughts, words, actions and reactions. Exercising the body is good. So too the need to make the mind stronger with the mind exercise of meditation. The mind rules everything in life. Courageous people with a strong mind overcame physical disabilities to serve the world. Helen Keller (1880 – 1968), from Tuscumbia town, Alabama, USA, from infancy lost her eyesight, hearing, ability to speak. Yet she became a prolific author, travelled across 35 countries campaigning for rights of people with disabilities. A familiar saying: “I was crying about having no shoes, until I met a man with no legs”. 41-year-old Nick Vujicic was born with no legs and with no arms (the rare Tetra-amelia syndrome). His mother refused to accept her newborn with no limbs. The parents abandoned the poor infant and left the hospital in Melbourne. Then they overcame their shock, and did their duty as parents. They taught Nick to grow up seeing the silver lining. Every day was an ordeal. Ridiculed as a “freak”, he attempted suicide by trying to drown himself in the bathtub. Then Nick fought back. With extraordinary courage, he fought the battles of the mind. He founded the organization ‘Life Without Limbs’ to serve those with disabilities. He authored eight books, including the best seller ‘Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life’ that was translated into 30 languages. Without legs and arms, Nick travels the world giving motivational talks, starred in the 23-minute film Butterfly Circus (2009), appears in TV talk shows. In 2012 he married Kanae Miyahara with movie-heroine looks. Beautiful Kanae calls her husband “my superhero”. She and her superhero have four lovely, laughing children. I have not seen a photograph of the no-arms, no-legs Nick Vujicic without him broadly smiling. A severely mentally disabled person cannot similarly contribute like Helen Keller, Nick Vujicic and Back to the Future trilogy movie star Michael J. Fox. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Syndrome in 1991 when aged 29, at peak of his success. He then battled depression, alcohol addiction and started a foundation that raised US$233 million for Parkinson’s research. Physically disabled people can contribute to society, but more chances of mentally disabled people turning out to be dangerous psychopaths and violent criminals. A fractured leg does not stop us from thinking and working in a desk job, but a badly damaged mind needs psychiatric treatment, or a long stay in a lunatic asylum. Yet some unwisely see meditation to strengthen the mind as some esoteric exercise only for those “spiritually” inclined - or as some post-retirement activity. Such misconceptions are disappearing in the 21st century Mind Age. More people are practicing meditation to strengthen the mind. Demand for Vipassana courses is increasing worldwide. Dhamma Giri even in the mid-1990s received more than 2,000 applications exceeding the capacity for a 10-day course. Applications further increased. Many Vipassana centers worldwide have courses fully booked within minutes of schedules announced on websites. In October 2024, Dhamma Bhanu in Kyoto, Japan, has 10-day courses fully booked or waitlisted until Christmas. In Europe, 10-day courses are full or wait-listed until January 2025 in Dhamma Mahi (Champignelles, France), Dhamma Dipa (Herefordshire, England), Dhamma Dvara (Triebel, Germany), Dhamma Pajjota (Dilsen-Stokkem, Belgium), Dhamma Sobhana (Ödeshög, Sweden). The Mind Age has entered its second phase with millions of schoolchildren practicing Anapana meditation– the preparatory exercise for Vipassana.

Table of Contents
Prologue Vipassana Birth Chapter 1 Moment … this moment of being with reality…………Pg 12 *Atomic Clock Within * Path of Nature *Impermanence *Facing Reality *This Moment is Everything * Inner Blackmailer *Universe Within *Machinery of your Mind * Beyond Fear Chapter 2 Mind Age … using the power of your mind………… Pg 25 *Self-Surgery of the Mind *The Mind Age *Mind Matters Most – The Mind Exercise * Anapana Meditation for Children *Children Q&A *The Beatles in India - The Mind’s Renunciation Frontier *Real Wealth *Hell of Anger *Tikapatthana Treasure *Volition Chapter 3 Medium … to the inner revolution of freedom…………Pg 42 *Sayagyi U Goenka *Realities beyond Conventional Science *Dhamma Protection *Compassion at Work *Dhamma Advisor *Bombay *Vipassana Masterpieces in English – Without Mastery of English * "Sayagyi" *Mad Puppy Ego-destroyer Chapter 4 Movie … to going beyond apparent realities……………..Pg 62 *Non-Reality *True Love *Wisdom Gained vs Wisdom Applied *Happiness Expert *Groundhog Day *Messengers of Reality? *Disintegrating the Delusions Chapter 5 Mountains, Tapovan ... life in the Himalayas……. Pg 74 *Himalayan Tapovan *Dhammaṃ Saranaṃ Gacchāmi *Dhamma Tapovana *Tapovan, Rishikesh *Subtler Realities *Beyond Deadly False Compassion Chapter 6 Master Key … to real happiness ……………………….. Pg 85 *Sampajañña *First Meeting with Goenkaji *Satipaṭṭhāna * Freedom from the Sweet Poison *The Parrot and the Hunter * Upside Down Mundane World *We Make Our World Chapter 7 Mettā …the most beneficial force in the universe……Pg 99 *Mettā-Bhāvanā *Goenkaji’s Residence, February 1, 2007 *Death *Himalayan Gods and Demons * Mettā Power *Conflicts *First Noble Truth *Q&A *Muditā ' *What happens at Death? Epilogue Dhamma Asoka


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