• alexis karpouzos
    Author's photo GeneralInfo
Alexis Karpouzos is an Greek-born Philosopher, Spiritual Teacher, and Author, He has published 15 books in Greek and 5 books in English. Alexis karpouzos iis the Founder of the International Community of Learning, Research and Culture in Greece. Our goal is to create a spiritual experience in consciousness worldwide, where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole. The community has contacts and partnerships in 15 countries. More than 10.000 people have participated in the lessons and community's actions.The community's activities include residential courses and conferences, discussion groups, social activities, art workshops, produces events, publishes books and videos in Greece. Apart from its educational and research aspects, the community organizes, develops and takes part in a self-organized actions: ·Art Actions (visual actions, musical actions and drama group) Cultural Actions (cinema club, dance club) Social Actions (Social Solidarity Clinic, social school, School for migrants and refugees). https://www.alexiskarpouzos.com/

General Information:
Alexis Karpouzos is a international spiritual teacher, poet and author, founder of the center learning, research and culture in Greece. He has attended philosophy and social sciences lessons at the School of Philosophy and at the Law School of Athens. He participated in self-organized alternative education groups which were experiencing modern pedagogical and didactic theories and methods. He is experienced in the theory of psychoanalysis.  His research interests are the relationship between time and cosmos, nature and history, conscious and unconscious, science and spirituality. Alexis karpouzos teaches the Wisdom of non-duality that combines the knowledge of nature and the knowledge of soul and creates the experience of the universal unity.

He has published 12 books in Greek and 4 in English. 1.The self criticism of science, 2. Cosmology: philosophy and physics, 3. Universal consciousness: The bridges between science and spirituality, 4. The end of certainty’. The themes of his books relate to: General Philosophy and Ontology, Metaphysics and History of Ideas, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, Educational Philosophy, Cosmology and Physics and Social Sciences.

Alexis Karpouzos is a founder of the international community of learning, research and culture in Greece. More than 10000 people have participated in the lessons and community’s actions. The community has contacts and partnerships in 15 countries. Our goal is to create a spiritual experience in consciousness worldwide where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole. The community’s activities include residential courses and conferences. The Community also runs discussion groups, social activities, art workshops, produces events, publishes books and videos in Greece. Apart from its educational and research aspects, the community organizes, develops and takes part in a self-organized actions: ·Art Actions (visual actions, musical actions and drama group), ·Cultural Actions (cinema club, dance club), Social Actions (Social Solidarity Clinic, social school, School for migrants and refugees).

He founded the international on line lessons:

  1. Consciousness and the nature of cosmos
  2. The next leap of evolution
  3. Soul and cosmos
  4. After the human: the wisdom of unity
  • Cover Image

UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS : The participatory universe: The particip...

By: by Guru alexis karpouzos

The universe is not a world of separate things and events but is a cosmos that is connected, coherent, and bears a profound resemblance to the visions held in the earliest spiritual traditions in which the physical world and spiritual experience were both aspects of the same reality and man and the universe were one. The findings that justify this new vision of the underlying logic of the universe come from almost all of the empirical sciences: physics, cosmology, the li...

Our souls are tied across universes, there is unbroken continuity, you see the love is more powerful than death, so let the winds of the heavens to dance with you and give your smile at the other's welcome.

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COSMOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY AND PHYSICS : Higher consciousness and new m...

By: by alexis karpouzos, philosopher

In modern philosophy of nature the World is unified and holistic. Cosmic Universe and Human History, microcosm and macrocosm, inorganic and living matter coexist and form a unique unity manifested in multiple forms. The Physical and the Mental constitute the form and the content of the World. The world does not consist of subjects and objects, the “subject” and the “object” are metaphysical abstractions of the single and indivisible Wholeness. Man’s finite knowledge s...

The universe is not a world of separate things and events but is a cosmos that is connected and coherent. The physical world and spiritual experience are both aspects of the same reality and man and the universe were one”

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