The year is 2030. A mysterious, rogue, and notorious Committee X has hijacked Kenya, defiled The Kenya Constitution 2010, grabbed forests, parks, whole counties, legalize prostitution, is openly cultivating coca, poppies, and cannabis sativa, and has stolen every coin from Central Bank…inflation rates are skyrocketing, unemployment rates are off the roof, the Shilling value is nose-diving, teachers, nurses, doctors, security personnel among others are either on strike or...
Scene 1
SETTING: Abunker at the US Embassy, Gigiri. Twotables with chairs on either side. Itis 9:00 AM, 4TH, Tuesday, June, 2030.
AT RISE: JOHNis going through his typed speech. SARAH is all over him, her arms around hiswaist. JEZEBEL, PROFESSOR MAMBO and RETIRED GENERAL are busy with theirsmartphones, stiffly seated around the two tables.
(Entering the bunker)
Hi guys, sor...