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Fasting : The Fourth of High Grades of "At-Taqwa" (Seeing by Allah...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Editor

The Fruit of Fasting In a holy saying, the Almighty says: “All deeds of son of Adam are done for themselves, except fasting; it is done for Me, and therefore, it is Me who gives the reward of it” And in the Holy Quran He, the almighty, says: “[Fast] the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed, a book of guidance for people” when the Envoy of God (cpth) fasted he felt magnification and appreciation for the Almighty Allah; there and then the meanings and realiti...

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Stories of the Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho : His Life, His Deeds...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Mohammad Amin Sheikho Birth: 1890 A.D (1308 A.H) Death: 1964 A.D (1384 A.H) Precept: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an Early Years Scholar Sheikho was born in al-Ward district in Sarouja Quarter, one of the historical districts of Damascus, in Syria which was called mini-Istanbul during the period of the Ottoman rule. He was raised in an Arab style house situated opposite the famous public al-Ward Bathhouse. This house stands there to the present day. Scholar Sh...

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Islamic Education for Youths : Level One

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Editor

This book is considered a very important educating book for children and youth, it is the first book which contains very important necessary Islamic information for youth. Moreover, the significant thing noted in it is the simplicity that can deliver the knowledge to students , readers or the new converters into Islam in a magnificent way of simplicity and no complexity of literally crochet. It is abundant of basic Islamic knowledge. It explains in details how to attai...

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Histoire de l’Erudit : Aperçu de La Vie de L'eminent Erudit Mohamm...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani

1- Le grand saint 2- L’histoire du brave garson et la fée 3- Un épisode d’une enfance de noblesse 4- La vir ilité d’un enfant 5- L’aventure du petit cavalier 6- une bonne leçon au marchand de fruits et de légumes 7- Bénies soient tes mains, lionceau du quartier 8- l’ Arene de combat 9- le garçon courageux et sa réaction pratique à l’égard de son oncle maternel 10- le jeune Amine et la nuit des destinées (Nuit de l’Al- Qadr)

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La Sounnah Du Noble Prophete (Pbsl) : Les Miracles De La Medecine ...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Editor

Chers lecteurs, Dieu l’exalté laisse-t-il son serviteur dans la maladie? Est –ce qu’il vous laisse sous l’emprise des micobes,des virus et des bactéries afin que votre quotidien soit à la solde des maux et des douleurs? Ou tout de même, va-t-il conforter l’exclusivité d’ usage qui fait des chercheurs les seuls à décovrir les maladies et leurs médicaments adéquats. Le Messager d’Allah (PBSL) dit: (soignez- vous serviteurs d’ Allah, car Allah ne fait jamais exiter une m...

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"Al'lah Is Greater" Be Kind to Animal

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

New scientific medical discovery in Islamic method of (Animal slaughter) and without the use of any stunning method: Today we stand before the medical fact of pronouncing "in the Name of God, Allah is Greater" over slaughtered animal when slaughtering. It is mentioned in a unique scientific research project unveiled by a group of Professors, physicians and scientists. They have fought deadly germs through science, driving away the darkness of ignorance and superstitio...

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The Sources of Spring Water in the World : A dialogue between Sir ...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

What is the spirit? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the soul? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the thought? where does it exist? and what is its function? what is the mind? where is its center? and what is its function? what is its relation with? and what are the relations of the above-mentioned items to each other?. Researches about the sources of spring water in the world

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Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

How terrible are the words that issued from the mouths of those deceivers from amongst the jews, who used false statements to insert intrigue into the books of Islam. Their words about the possible use of magic to bewitch the most honorable one of all creation, Mohammad (cpth), are nothing more than mere lies. The same is true of another of their sayings- fie on them (may God make them as ugly as their deeds)- wherein they say that the accursed Satan controlled the P...

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Pilgrimage -Hajj : The Fifth High Grade of At-Taqwa (Seeing by Al’...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

What wisdom lies behind the pilgrimage? What benefit comes from its strange rituals? Why should the pilgrim dress in white, untailored cloth? What is the wisdom of circumambulating a big stone named Al-Ka’ba? What does the hajji (pilgrim) benefit from kissing the Black Stone? What is the purpose of walking quickly to and fro between Safa and Marwa? What is the importance of standing on a mountain named Arafat? What is the purpose of throwing seven pebbles? Can th...

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Is happiness really beyond reach?!

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Having noted the absence of happiness in human life, a group of scholars began to look for a way to attain this happiness. They could put their hands on the core of happiness by means of physical laws, so that they could reach it by following such a set of laws! However… Can worldly scientific laws, however great they may be, control happiness, make it surrender to them, and allow itself to be harnessed by their reins?! Are they able to help people actually taste happi...

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Islam! What are the Veil, Divorce, and Polygamy for? : A Dialogue ...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Lately, some subjects like the veil, polygamy, and divorce in Islam have become objects of discussion and dispute upon which the mass media, especially the western ones, shed light. What is the veil, polygamy, and divorce in Islam?. In this Audiobook: - A dialogue between a Western Orientalist and a Muslim Savant about the verity of the philosophy of the veil in Islam, the importance of marriage contract, the verity of polygamy in Islam. and the verity of divorce in ...

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The Second Coming of Christ : The Indications of the Hour

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

The book of “The Second Coming of Christ; the return of Jesus Christ” This book is exquisitely new. It is strange but true: about things that are not said, informed by the events that are happening around us, and facts that are beyond dispute. Actually when you start reading this book you will not be able to leave it without coming to the last page of it having a very precise, new, logic and Divine knowledge. It is as true as the life in you is. You find in this piec...

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Zakat "Alms Giving" : The Third High Grade of At-Taqwa (Seeing by ...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Zakat "Alms giving": The third of high grade of seeing by God's light. - Islamisation of economic growth, welfare And moral aspects through: Zakah-distribution - Deriving the percentage of Al-Zakat from the verses of God's Noble Book. - Alms of fast breaking

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Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur'an : Interpre...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

In Am'ma Part we can see how Al’lah overwhelms us with His Favor and Charity and guards us by His Mercy and great Care. Within it, we can see the Godly Justice has been manifested Itself with Its most magnificent meanings. How great is he who recites them or reads them! How great is he who draws attaintion to them or publishes them! For those people are indeed sources of truth, right and religion. All of these blessings are but drops from the ocean of the favor of he ...

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The Origin of Creation: From the Pre-Material World to Adam and Ev...

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani

This book begins with a comprehensive and concise study of all that took place in the pre-material world of al-Azal and the beginning of creation of this earthly world; it then continues by guiding us towards the only way which can help us to ascertain the truth, and to attain heart vision of these facts of which most people are ignorant. This way is simply to look into the universe and study its miraculous signs, with the aim of searching for the Provider; for once a h...

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Les Origines Des Eaux De Source Dans Le Monde

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani

- Pourauoi Dieu Tout-puissant a-t-Il créé cet univers? - N’est-ce pas pour un grand objet que Dieu nous a crees? - Lousque l’homme ouvre un commerce, n’est- ce pas por faire des bénéfices? - Alors, pour quel bénéfice suprême Dieu a-t-Il créé cet univers? - Toute action de l’homme vise un objectif. Alors, Pour quol objectif Dieu Tout-puissant nous a-t-Il créés? Dans ce livre scientifique, Vous trouverez une explication complète de ces rèqlités que nous expose et sout...

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Collection Rowd ar-Rayâhîn : Tirée des sciences du Noble Coran, Tome 1

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani

Contents - Interprétation et mémorisation de la sourate an-Nâs (Les hommes) - Interprétation et mémorisation de la noble sourate al-Falaq (l’aube naissante) - Interprétation et mémorisation de la sourate al-Ikhlâs (le monothéisme pur) - Le garçon courageux et la fée (Histoire vraie) - Interprétation et mémorisation de la noble sourate al-Massad (les fibres) - Interprétation et mémorisation de la noble sourate an-Nasr (le secours) - Interprétation et mémorisation ...

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Jésus Christ le messager de la paix les signes d’un retour imminent

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

«Et Nous fimes du fils de Marie, ainsi que de sa mère, un prodige; et Nous donnâmes à tous deux, asile sur une colline bien stable et dotée d’une source.» Sourate 23;50 Le présent ouvrage paraitra très singulier aux yeux de certains lecteurs. En effet, plusieurs sujets qui y sont abordés n’ont pas fait auparavant l’objet d’une analyse véritablement approfondie. Sa singularitè, si l’ on peut dire, tient à la fois de l’originalité des sujets mais d’avantage de la quali...

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Effets mystiques de l'Amour du messager ou etre avec le prophète

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

La visite du prophète Mohammad (Pbsl) et les faits mystiques que produit l'amour de celui-ci sur l'élévation spirituelle du croyant Effet du modèle dans la conduite de l'homme. Chaque fois qu'une occasion se présente, qu'une opportunité m’est offerte, je la saisis pour parler du rapport qui existe entre l'esprit du fidèle et celui du Prophète (Pbsl). J’affirme sans cesse la nécessité d’aimer le Prophète, et de s’accrocher spirituellement à lui, de sorte à faire de cet...

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Éducation islamique de la jeunesse

By: by Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Définition de la Salât (la prière) Interprétation de la sourate al-Fâtiha Interprétation de la sourate al-Fâtiha Interprétation de la sourate an-Nâs Interprétation de la sourate al-Falaq (l’aube naissante) Interprétation de la sourate al-Ikhlâs (Le monothéisme pur) Le magicien et l’aiguille Interprétation de la sourate al-Massad Interprétation de la sourate an-Nasr (Le secours) Interprétation de la sourate al-Kâfiroun Interprétation de la sourate al-Mâ`oun (L’u...

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