In this book I have tried to express my feelings, desires,
passions and emotions on topics very rarely discussed in society. In the
past two years I have seen new faces of our world, the faces generally
neglected by us; and in this book I have recorded my thoughts on all such
Call Upon Hope
I cast a net, into the sea,
I cast a net to catch some dreams;
The sea wouldn’t let me free,
So I cast a net to catch some dreams;
I tried to grasp, the light of the sun,
I tried to shine, like the moon;
Although the moon, lies in heaven,
I tried to shine, like the moon;
The sun set me ablaze,
And the moon, was nothing but dust;
I was looked upon, with an envious gaze,
Borne by the sons of lust;
When nations left my side,
And hate was given b...