• A very unique ValueArt+Com project. Composed in Mainz/Germany, the hometown of Johannes Gutenberg and the hometown of the culture of communication.
• Dedicated to all of us, to become or to keep smart communicators!
• The iBook publishing process for iPad will start soon. Via gutenberg.org you could have a preview (without animations and videos, for sure!).
„The moment I have prepared the scenario for my research project, I wanted it to be someth...
“Johannes Gutenberg was our first geek, the original technology entrepreneur, who had to grapple with all the challenges a Silicon Valley startup faces today.” —Jeff Jarvis
(Introduction by
Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Art+Communication Fellow, Istanbul)
I always enjoy meeting new people from various countries and different perspectives as a Sociology student from Turkey. After doing my AFS Exchange Program in Belgium and getting involved in an international peace p...