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Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest

By Johnson, Donald R.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000662095
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 3.60 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest  
Author: Johnson, Donald R.
Language: English
Subject: Technology., Reference materials, Technology and literature
Collections: Techonology eBook Collection
Publication Date:


APA MLA Chicago

R. Johnso, B. D. (n.d.). Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest. Retrieved from

Technical Reference Publication

Introduction: This paper represents the first in a proposed series of critical reviews of the microwave spectra of molecules of astrophysical interest. It has been prepared in response to the rapidly growing needs in the field of molecular radio astronomy for reliable laboratory spectra of selected molecules. The best available data lave been gathered for each molecule and subjected o an extensive statistical analysis. This analysis protides the molecular constants for the molecules, a check on the reliability of the measured transitions, and the unobserved transitions to be predicted with uncertainty limits in many cases of comparable magnitude to the measurement error. Thus, the spectral information presented in the following tables includes predicted as well as observed transitions n the frequency region presently accessible to the radio telescopes. Although the reported transitions lave been limited somewhat by fixing a maximum value or the total rotational energy of the lower state of each transition?

Table of Contents
Contents Page 1. Introduction ............................................ 1012 H ~ ~....~....c....~.....~....u..... .................. 1.1. List of Symbols and Conversion Factors.. . a. Symbols ............................................ b. Cul~ve~siFual~c ~u~s...... ....................... 1.2. References ........................................ 2. Formaldehyde .......................................... 2.1. Organization of the Spectral Tables. ........ 2.2. Acknowledgments ............................... 2.3. Formaldehyde Spectral Tables.. ............. Table 1. Molec~ilarC onstants for Formaldehyde.. ............................................... Table 2. Observed Hyperfine Splittings and Constants for the l l o + 111 Transition of Hz'YCO.. .......................................... Table 3. Observed Hyperfine Splittings and Constants for the 211+ 212 and 312- Transitions of H212C160..... ................... Table 4. Observed Hyperfine Splittings and Constants for the 110- 111 Transition of ~ ~ 1 3 ~ 1 6..0....... ................................... Table 5. Observed Hyperfine Splittings and Constants for the 110+ 111 Transition of H212C180.... ........................................ Table 6. Observed Microwave Transitions in H212C18.0. ...................................... Table 7. The Microwave Spectrum of H2'2CO.. .......................................... Table 8. Calculated Microwave Transitions in H212C16.0.. ..................................... Table 9. The Microwave Spec~rurn of 1013 Table 10. Calculated Microwave Transitions 1013 in H213C160.. ...................................... 1013 2.4. IIzCO Refclanccs ................................ 1013 a. Primary References ............................ 1013 b. Other References ............................... 1013 c. Interstellar References ........................ 1014 3. Formamide .............................................. 1015 3.1. Organization of the Spectral Tables.. ....... 3.2. Acknowledgments ............................... 1015 3.3. Forrnamide Spectral Tables.. ................. Table 11. Molecular Parameters for Formamide ............................................... 1016 Table 12. The Microwave Spectrum of 'sNH212CH'60.. ................................... Table 13. The Microwave Spectrum of 1016 14NH212CH160..... ................................ Table 14. Calculated Microwave Transitions in 14NH212CH16..0. .............................. 1016 3.4. NHzCHO References ........................... 4. Thioformaldehyde.. ................................... 4.1. Organization of the Spectral Tables.. .... 1017 4.2. Thioformaldehvde Spectral Tables.. .... Table 15. Molecular Constants for Thioform- 1017 aldehyde.. .......................................... Table 16. Observed and Calculated Transi- 1017 tions in H z ~ ~ aCnd~ H~21S3C 32S.... ........... Table 17. The Microwave Spectrum of 1018 H212C32S.... ........................................ Table 18. Calculated Microwave Transitions in Hz12C32S.... ..................................... 4.3. HzCS References ................................ Copyright @ 1972 by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf ol the United States. This opyright will be assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the American Chemical a. Primary References ............................ Society, to whom all requests regarding reproduction should be addressed. b. Interstellar References ........................ Page 1019


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