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The Cosmo-Art Theorems and Axioms

By Antonio Mercurio

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Book Id: WPLBN0001235269
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 2010/12/21

Title: The Cosmo-Art Theorems and Axioms  
Author: Antonio Mercurio
Language: Italian
Subject: Non Fiction, Social Sciences, Cosmology
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Sophia University of Rome
Member Page: Antonio Mercurio


APA MLA Chicago

Mercurio, B. A. (n.d.). The Cosmo-Art Theorems and Axioms. Retrieved from

Cosmo-Art is an artistic movement that is accessible to anyone who has the strength and courage necessary to detach from their Fetal I that they still carry within, and elevate themselves to the cosmic artistic dimension of the Adult I, which embraces the whole life of a human being […] A. Mercurio This book represents the culmination of the Author’s anthropological and cosmological thought. It is a synthesis expressed through poetic language, but it also offers guidelines for the Cosmo-Art Movement. This volume sets out the seven Theorems and the seven Axioms of Cosmo-Art that together represent the Author’s new cosmological viewpoint, and it offers many answers to the fundamental questions that Human Beings have regarding the meaning of Life. The book also offers an important chapter on the Principles of Prenatal Anthropology as well as one on the Rules for Nocturnal Navigation, which is a splendid guide for sailing on the seas of existence and journeying towards ‘Secondary Beauty


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