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În Doi Timpi Si Trei Miscari : Afurisisme

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828364
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.6 MB
Reproduction Date: 7/29/2013

Title: În Doi Timpi Si Trei Miscari : Afurisisme  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Language: Moldovan
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Aphorisms
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (2013). În Doi Timpi Si Trei Miscari : Afurisisme. Retrieved from

Spontaneous notations, old books reprinted from 20 years ago, we started to shy love poem to a woman inaccessible. Phrases, quips, annotations, locuþiuni (nouns, verbs, adjective, etc..) Clichés idiomatic, construction, regional, archaic ideas / thoughts rãzleþe, Thoughts short templates language, zicãturi, afurisenii - mostly taken from folklore, others extracted from various readings. Order: no order!

Notaþii spontane, transcrise de pe caiete vechi de acum 20 de ani, când porneam spre poezie cu pasiune timidã ca spre o femeie inaccesibilã. Sintagme, butade, adnotãri, locuþiuni (substantivale, verbale, adjectivale etc.), cliºee idiomatice, construcþii regionale, arhaice, idei/gânduri rãzleþe, cugetãri scurte, ºabloane de limbã, zicãturi, afurisenii - in majoritate culese din folclor, altele extrase din lecturi diverse. Ordinea: fãrã ordine!

Profund profundã. Legalizarea mãsurilor nelegale. Medile eu le fac ochiometric. Ai împãtrat-o cubic! Nu se potrivesc ele cinci degete la o mânã. Legislaþie antilegislatorialã. Bãtrâneþea e o boalã. Sãptãmâna oarbã. Deeply profound. Legalizing illegal measures. I do ochiometric Media. Do you have a cubic fourfold! Do they fit five fingers on a hand. Legislation antilegislatorialã. Old age is a disease. Week blind.


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