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מכאן ומשם From Here and There

By יוסף חיים ברנר Brenner, Yosef Haim

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Book Id: WPLBN0002953466
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File Size: 231.07 MB
Reproduction Date: 2008

Title: מכאן ומשם From Here and There  
Author: יוסף חיים ברנר Brenner, Yosef Haim
Language: Hebrew
Subject: Fiction, Fiction
Collections: Audio Books Collection, מכאן ומשם From Here and There
Publication Date:
Publisher: LibriVox Audio Books


APA MLA Chicago

Haim יוסף חיים ברנר Brenner, B. Y. (1911). מכאן ומשם From Here and There. Retrieved from

This reading is in Hebrew.Yosef Haim Brenner (murdered by Arab terrorists in 1921 at the age of 40) presented in his book From Here and There a piercing, soul searching portrayal of the second aliyah, the dominant immigration into Palestine at the beginning of the twentieth century. The following words have influenced many at the time, and are still thought to represent Brenner's literary will: Life is bad, but always secret ... Death is bad. The world is conflicted, but also diverse, and sometimes beautiful. The world is miserable, but can also be wonderful. The nation of Israel, by the rules of logic, has no future. One must, nonetheless, work. So long as you have a soul, there are sublime acts and uplifting moments. Long live Hebrew human labor! (Summary by Omri Lernau)

Electronic recorded live performance of a reading



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