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This is My Faith : Simplified ideological dialogue-based series

By Al-Fatlawi, Ali

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Book Id: WPLBN0003972017
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File Size: 0.7 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/1/2013

Title: This is My Faith : Simplified ideological dialogue-based series  
Author: Al-Fatlawi, Ali
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Theology
Collections: Authors Community, Islam
Publication Date:
Publisher: شعبة الدراسات والبحوث الاسلامية في قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية في العتبة الحسينية المقدسة
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Al-Fatlawi, B. A. (2013). This is My Faith : Simplified ideological dialogue-based series. Retrieved from

This book – This Is My Faith – comes to highlight the first science which is Ideology in a simplified dialogue-based style. All can understand its content as it is free from complicated reasoning and difficult demonstration. Some texts have been changed for the sake of simplification as the definitions to the five Principles are also provided. Thus, here we offer you this book in the form of dialogue-based serial stories between two friends seeking only truth and knowledge.

"...The religion of Islam – the last of religions, the Mohammedan law that crowned all preceding celestial laws – is no exception to this rule. Our religion has principles (Osul) and branches to those Principles (Foru’) as well as Practices (Sonan). They are also known as Ideology, Jurisprudence and Ethics. Through these three pillars one can attain the Divine vicinity; each has also its own role in building the human personality. Ideology orients the human mind to the right direction away from myths and superstitions, ignorance and perversity. Jurisprudence is interested in the relation between mankind and their Creator in addition to the relation between people themselves. Ethics tries to refine the human soul from vice and to beautify it with virtue. This book – This Is My Faith – comes to highlight the first science which is Ideology in a simplified dialogue-based style. All can understand its content as it is free from complicated reasoning and difficult demonstration. Some texts have been changed for the sake of simplification as the definitions to the five Principles are also provided. Thus, here we offer you this book in the form of dialogue-based serial stories between two friends seeking only truth and knowledge.

Hasan: I always encourage believers to ask about their religion. The Hadith says, “ask about your religion until you are called lunatic”, and there is no shame in seeking knowledge, especially when it comes to every day issues. Hasan: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was the most forbearing, the most courageous, the most even-handed and the most virtuous of all. He never laid a hand on a woman unless he had their tenderness, married to them or had kinship that permits it. He was the most generous so much that no penny had stayed overnight with him. He did not return home until he had satisfied the needy. He used to mend his foot-wear, patch his garments and help with house-work like chopping the meat with female members of the family (Harem). Moreover, he was the most modest. He did not look sharply at a person. He answered the requests from both the free and the slave. He accepted any gifts even it was a drink of yogurt and he rewarded them for that. He would not accept any alms. He would only get angry for the sake of Allah and not to satisfy himself. He attended funerals. He walked among his enemies unguarded. He was the most humble. He was the most eloquent. He was of the most beautiful nature. Nothing of earthly nature would attract him or scare him. He used to tie a rock on his stomach out of hunger. He would eat anything he was offered and would not refuse any kind of food as far as it was Halal. He would wear any available clothing and ride any riding animal such as horses, camels, mules and donkeys, as he also used to go on foot. He would prefer to sit with the poor and feed them. He also preferred to sit with scholars and righteous people. He always kept in touch with the relatives and friends. He accepted any form of apologies. He used to banter with people but would not laugh loudly. He never cursed a person. He never chastised evil with evil. He would preferably forgive. He would greet first and shake hands first. He would always utter the Lord's name when sitting down or standing up. He would mostly sit with his legs raised and put his hands around them so he would not be noticed among his followers. He would mostly sit towards the Qiblah. He used to be always generous to whoever turns to him so much that he spread his garment for a stranger and strongly offered him his sitting pillow. He was hard to irritate but easy to please; he was very merciful and kind to everyone. He was the most eloquent yet very brief. He used to keep silent unless it was necessary to speak. He would always prefer to eat with people around and from one same plate; He would not eat hot food and would eat from whatever food was close to him. When eating, he used three and sometimes four of his fingers. He used to eat barley bread. He preferred not to eat garlic, onion and leek. He never dispraised any food; he would either eat it or leave it. He used to lick the leftovers from the plate and say “the last of food has the blessing”. He would also lick his fingers so much so that they would go red. He would roll up his garment when eating.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE Monotheism (At-Tawhid) CHAPTER TWO Divine justice (Al-‘Adl al-ilahi) CHATPTER THREE Prophecy (Nobowa) CHATPTER FOUR Imamate (Imamah) CHATPTER FIVE The Hereafter (Mi’ad)


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