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Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa with Quran-Alone : Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa Based on Quran-Alone

By Hassan, Noor

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Book Id: WPLBN0004102312
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.65 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/25/2016

Title: Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa with Quran-Alone : Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa Based on Quran-Alone  
Author: Hassan, Noor
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Islam
Collections: Authors Community, Islam
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-Publishing
Member Page: Noor Hassan


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Hassan, B. N. (2016). Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa with Quran-Alone : Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa Based on Quran-Alone. Retrieved from

When Rashad Khalifa proclaimed that he has discovered a mathematical code of Quran, which is number "19" even though most of the Islamic Scholars where awaiting to see how he is going to react next but still some very few scholars ignored the crucial command, guideline of Al-Quran given below and the evil consequences of that ignorance has been dealt in this short book: Command 1) "O Believers, if one who publicly commits sins brings you any news, Ascertain its truthfulness carefully, lest you harm people through ignorance and then regret what you have done". (49:6). Guideline 2) “He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical; then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation but none knows its interpretation except Allah, and those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord; and none do mind except those having understanding.” [3:7] [3:8] Our Lord! Make not our hearts to deviate after You have guided us right, and grant us from Thee mercy; surely Thou art the most liberal Giver." After the verse about ‘mutashabihat’ the very next verse signals us to pray for “protection against, getting deviated from the right path that Allah [SWTA] has guided us; is not a coincidence but very crucial to observe, understand and adhere!

I have written a small but detailed e-book and named it as "Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa, with Quran-Alone" I need your sincere support in cascading this book to all your appropriate contacts as it may wash-out my sins of preaching of deen-e-khalifa for few years, when I was in the trap of Khalifates. This small E-Book: "Critical Evaluation of Rashad Khalifa with Quran-Alone", is the result of years of data gathered interacting with people for and against Rashad Khalifa in internet forums and in real life, including my personal experience and research. Many have contributed to this book, directly and indirectly, knowingly and unknowingly. I want to pray for all the people, who by the grace of Allah [SWTA], helped me to open my eyes; thanks to their criticism. Actually it took me too long to realize the facts and gradually I understood what Rashad Khalifa was really about. I believe the “Submitter” movement that he founded will collapse if people have the courage to read and study carefully this simple book, and face the facts and pass down the information around them. I suggest everyone to print this and circulate to get the most from it. Couple of years before, one of my maternal uncle, who came to know that I’m in the trap of Khalifa’s group, has gone through Khalifa’s translation and originally written this as a short article and relieved me from that trap out of Allah’s Mercy. As the article was originally appeared only as a brief note, I developed it and elaborated it to the point ‘how it looks like now’. I worked for a long time to ensure that it not only warns the Muslim community to be careful about Khalifa’s tricky works but it also brings back the whole Khalifa’s group back to Islam, Insha Allah. I have also discussed with my uncle, several times during the compilation of this short book, which helped me a lot. The reason for quoting only Quran as the source of reference throughout the book is because the actual targeted group is the deviant sect–Khalifa’s group. All Praise is due to Allah [SWTA]

Comparison of the attitudes of Saamri and Khalifa can signal you a lot of similarities between them: 1) Saamri: Proclaimed that he was able to see, what the other Israelites were unable to see. Khalifa: Proclaimed that he was able to see [19], what the other Muslims were unable to see. 2) Saamri: Took a handful (of dust) from the footprint of the Messenger, and threw it (into the calf). Thus did his soul suggested to him. Khalifa: Took a hint from the footprint (History) of the Messenger [See Khalifa's Appendix-25, where he says: The books of Hadith indicate that the Quranic initials were believed to determine the life span of the Muslim Ummah] and put the Quran-initials into a computer. Thus did his soul suggested to him. 3) Saamri: Fascinated people with the buzz-sound of the golden-calf and portrayed that like a great miracle, even-though it cannot respond to people in the form of an answer but that fascination made many people to gone astray. Khalifa: Fascinated people with the correlation of Quran-initials and portrayed that like a great miracle, even-though it cannot respond people in the form of an answer but that fascination made many people to go astray. We should be concerned only about, which he has left in writing, a stinking odour and about those whom he fascinated. Therefore, we should not try to prove him an intellectually dishonest person by researching about his personal life instead we should judge and know Khalifa by what he has himself said and believed, in the light of Quran; the criterion.

Table of Contents
1) Editorial NOTES 2) Preface 3) Chapter-1 Introduction 4) Chapter-2 Historical background of the work of Khalifa 5) Chapter-3 Khalifa’s Hadiths 6) Chapter-4 Khalifa’s Claim Of Messenger-ship 7) Chapter-5 Crazy claim of Khalifa about the role of explaining Al-Quran 8) Chapter-6 The Final Messengership!? 9) Chapter-7 First Pillar of Islam 10) Chapter-8 Making distinction between Allah’s Messengers 11) Chapter-9 Unlettered Prophet 12) Chapter-10 Prophecy of end of the world during 2280 CE 13) Chapter-11 Is Life Only On Earth? 14) Chapter-12 Criminal Justice System of Allah [Swta] 15) Chapter-13 Is that age below 40 is a visa to heaven? 16) Chapter-14 Prophet Abraham’s Vision (Dream) 17) Chapter-15 Master of misinterpretations 18) Chapter-16 Conclusion


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