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Guatemala to Goa on a Zimmer Frame : Volume 3 India

By West, Jim, William

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Book Id: WPLBN0004451109
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File Size: 33.70 MB
Reproduction Date: 22/11/2016

Title: Guatemala to Goa on a Zimmer Frame : Volume 3 India  
Author: West, Jim, William
Volume: Volume 3 India
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Bibliography, India
Collections: Biographies, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Sherwood
Member Page: Jim West


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William West, B. J. (2016). Guatemala to Goa on a Zimmer Frame : Volume 3 India. Retrieved from

Shootout in Mexican jungle Overland to India, £60 spent on 6 week journey Betrayed by Bob, Hung out to dry Paradise in Goa?

In 1946, at the age of one, I contracted Polio. Suddenly, a world of infinite possibilities collapsed in upon me. Everything was now a struggle: breathing, lifting my arms, learning to walk. Nothing came easily. And the suffering wasn’t just physical. Gradually, I learned about rejection. The subtle, and not so subtle messages that society delivers to the weak and deformed. To protect myself, walls went up. This meant that in various ways I was also emotionally paralysed. Wasn’t a promising start, but nevertheless, my life has been remarkable. I played many sports with a vengeance, engaged in petty crime for years, excelled at school and University, bought, sold and consumed drugs. Crossed and re-crossed continents, eluding police from Mexico to India. At twenty-eight, I abruptly changed direction, and by doing so was able to help many others. Now, at the end of an event filled life, how do I feel towards the Polio virus which attacked that soft and innocent child those many years ago? Well, life hasn’t been easy, but it sure has been interesting. Perhaps I should thank that microbe for its blind Benevolence?

The following evening, Bob is again around, this time with Tanya. I roll a joint, and put the grass outside, under the tiles. Half the busts in ‘hippie land’ happen because freaks are too lazy to walk that extra ten feet. Not me, I’d seen too much of the Tepic prison. Bob and I are passing the J back and forth, when something prompts me to get up, and have a look out the front window. By the light of a full moon, I see Federal Troops piling out of a large truck. Many things happen, very quickly. I eat the joint and tell Bob to run, then bolt out the back door, down the path, through the barbed wire, into the low scrub, and hit the ground just as they start shooting. I’m hidden, but they can see Bob, heading for the banana plantation. His trousers are full of shit, and this must be slowing him down. We left his daughter Tanya behind! She’s screaming, crying, and pleading, all at the same time. “Come back Bob, please, come back.” Adrenaline has kicked in. The jungle shimmers. I’m in a crystal clear, Technicolor, stop motion movie. Soldiers’ boots pound along the path, not far from where I’m hiding. Then the shooting stops and I know they have Bob. Through the bush, I see a soldier coming towards me, rifle held nervously across his chest. Up to now, I figure they’ve been shooting into the air, but this guy might get spooked, and fire in my direction. I stand, hands up, then it’s back to my place and a reunion. The front door was unlocked, but they still broke it down, then ripped the house apart, looking for drugs. I’ve had my place turned over twice, by the CID in Britain, but these Federal Troops were much more thorough. Had drugs been there, they would have found them. Salt, sugar, flour, oats, rice, tea, everywhere.

Table of Contents
Close Encounters with Corrupt Police, Santa-Cruz Shootout Stoned by Turks, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Himalayas, Goa


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