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Política victimal, frente a la construcción social del miedo e inseguridad en el estado de México en 2017 : Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017

By Najera, Susana, Gabriela Gaytan

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Book Id: WPLBN0100003147
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Reproduction Date: 07/28/2018

Title: Política victimal, frente a la construcción social del miedo e inseguridad en el estado de México en 2017 : Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017  
Author: Najera, Susana, Gabriela Gaytan
Volume: Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018
Language: Spanish
Subject: Non Fiction, Law, Mexico |  Social imaginary |  Victim policy |  Victimology |  Fear | 
Collections: Authors Community, Adventure
Publication Date:
Publisher: Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología capítulo Nuevo León, A.C.
Member Page: Wael Hikal


APA MLA Chicago

Gabriela Gaytan Najera, B. S. (2018). Política victimal, frente a la construcción social del miedo e inseguridad en el estado de México en 2017 : Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018. Retrieved from

The present investigation has as purpose to develop a victimological policy, directed to the population, of the Municipality of Metepec, State of Mexico, part of three postulates as they are the social construction of the fear, the social imaginary and the social action before the victimals actions. The research emphasizes five areas, among them the first refers to the methodological section, the second indicates the theme on Victimology, as an auxiliary discipline of Criminology, while the next section allows to give an argument about symbolic interactionism, to generate the opening to a third section that constitutes insecurity and its relation to fear, finally the criminological policy is exposed with a focus on a victim policy in consideration of the results obtained from the investigation.

La presente investigación, tiene como fin desarrollar una política victimológica, dirigida a la población del Municipio de Metepec, Estado de México, parte de tres postulados como son la construcción social del miedo, el imaginario social y la acción social ante las acciones victímales. La investigación enfatiza cinco rubros, entre ellos el primero refiere el apartado metodológico, el segundo indica la temática sobre la Victimología, como disciplina auxiliar de la Criminología, en tanto el siguiente apartado permite dar argumento sobre el interaccionismo simbólico, para con ello generar la apertura a un tercer apartado que constituye la inseguridad y su relación con el miedo, finalmente se expone la política criminológica con enfoque a una política victimal en consideración a los resultados obtenidos de la investigación.


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