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On the Psychology of Philosophy: An Introduction to Cognietrics

By Deutsch, A. O.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100301900
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File Size: 1.18 MB
Reproduction Date: 11/4/2016

Title: On the Psychology of Philosophy: An Introduction to Cognietrics  
Author: Deutsch, A. O.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Psychology
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: A. O. Deutsch
Member Page: A. O. Deutsch


APA MLA Chicago

O. Deutsc, B. A. (2016). On the Psychology of Philosophy. Retrieved from

People have asked about the subject of my book, and how it is possible to calculate the definition of philosophical concepts such as knowledge and deduction from combinations of psychological aptitudes using abstract algebra. For this reason I would like to share with you one of the results calculated in my book. Myers-Briggs types are classified as: Introverted or Extraverted, iNtuitive (imaginative) or Sensing (realistic), Thinking (logical) or Feeling (emotional), and Judging (planning) or Perceiving (accommodating). Among the Myers-Briggs types, it is commonly accepted that J types extravert the judging function and P types extravert the perceiving function. This causes problems for introverts: an IP type therefore also has his perceiving function after his introverted judging function. However, I believe that this interpretation is correct because small children are very dependent on others and so are quite extraverted. If they become introverted it is to spend extra time supporting the established extraverted function by preparing with the introverted function. Perceiving functions can be sensing or intuiting, and judging functions can be thinking or feeling. AD: So IP and EJ types have a judging function followed by a perceiving function, and IJ and EP types have a perceiving function followed by a judging function. IP and EJ types, because they perceive with respect to a priori judgments, must then Discover; IJ and EP types, because they judge with respect to a posteriori perceptions, must then Invent. BC: Classicists are NT, scrutinizing the imagination, or SF, attached to reality. Progressives are NF, attached to the imagination, or ST, scrutinizing reality. AD * BC = ABCD: Like Reinin’s interpretation of Socionics, in my theory, Cognietrics, any two traits imply a third. Therefore Patterns use unconventional (Progressive) insights (Discoverer) for conventional (Classicist) purposes (Inventor), whereas Concepts use conventional (Classicist) insights (Discoverer) for unconventional (Progressive) purposes (Inventor). ABD: Types who intuit first, INJ or ENP, or sense second, ISP or ESJ, are Deductive, because they are processing abstract arguments to determine a result that must exist in reality. Types who sense first, ISJ or ESP, or intuit second, INP or ENJ, are Inductive, because they are hoping to reach an abstract conclusion about concrete categories. C: Logic represents the mind dealing with things that are Changing, whereas emotion with things that are Unchanging. For this reason when you like someone you have a good feeling that doesn’t Change and thoughts that do as you learn about the object of your affections. If you are suddenly disappointed you will think something negative that doesn’t Change while your previous feelings do. ABD * C = ABCD: These results combine in multiple ways: as defined, Induction must fit Changing Concepts to an Unchanging Pattern, and Deduction must fit Unchanging Concepts to a Changing Pattern, which is what Deduction and Induction are in fact used to do. Every combination of letters represents a trait which can be logically combined with two others. Ideas such as Concepts, Induction, and even Change evolved together philosophically in groups of convenience, such that the meaning of any one simultaneously came to depend on the meaning of the others. Change itself is Deduced from a Pattern or Inducted Conceptually – red that is slightly purple in hue may seem red, but is actually near the ultraviolet spectrum because red cones are sensitive to violet light. The color has Changed if you Deduce the difference from a Pattern (by visual comparison) or Induct it Conceptually (by wavelength increments), whereas something more stable can be ultimately Deduced Conceptually (process of elimination) or Inducted as a Pattern (representative example).

INTP, ISFP, ENFJ - what does it all mean? This book will show you what to expect when you come across one of these abbreviations. Drawing on references to epistemology, mathematics, physics, and even competing measures of intelligence, this book will explain how each Jungian type engages life.

The Reason for Jungian Typology Heraclitus said, “if there is one thing that is immutable, it is change”. Naturally our responses to such an unpredictable idea differ as they evolve to meet it. We may ask: Should I be concerned with specific (Introverted) or general (Extraverted) change? This is important because the very concept of change implies degrees of change. Should I respond to change (Sensing) or initiate it (iNtuiting)? This is important because we are both agents and experiencers of change. Should I work to change things based on things that aren’t changing (Thinking) or slow things that are (Feeling)? This is important because change can be positive or negative. Should I act before (Judger) or after (Perceiver) change? This is important because changes may bring about other changes. I believe that the exploration of the degrees of change (IE) reflects changes in things that have not functionally changed from each other, whereas the exploration of the results of change (JP) reflects changes in things that have functionally changed from each other. This distinction in categorization is what allows us to define both the observational differences that prevent vagueness and the utilitarian implications that prevent triviality, both of which comprise change, so both are quite important. I believe that the ability to experience and respond to change (SN) reflects the recognition of change, that implies change in the universe and which alone would seem hopeless, and the ability to slow or hasten change (TF) reflects the ability for deliberateness, that implies lack of change in the universe and which alone would seem meaningless. The combination are what make change important to our species. These ideas, the defining and motivating aspects of change handled by the preferences that are the minimum needed to organize one’s mind, show that it is real and important, and collectively manifest in the immutable aspects of our existence. For this reason I think that the four Myers-Briggs dichotomies are both necessary and sufficient for categorizing psychological preference.


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