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The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity

By Wang, Yue Xing, Yitkbel

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303454
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/8/2020

Title: The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity  
Author: Wang, Yue Xing, Yitkbel
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature
Collections: Poetry, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Yue Xing (Yitkbel) Wang
Member Page: Yue Wang


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Xing Yitkbel Wang, B. Y. (2020). The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity. Retrieved from

*** The majority of the poems included, if not all, are available freely and digitally on This physical copy is listed merely for the option of having said poems in a more portable, compact, and off-the-grid format. ***. A new poetry collection by Yue Xing Yitkbel Wang.**The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity was first digitally published on Gutenberg Self-Publishing on January 8, 2020 without the three poems (written a couple month after) prefacing this physical copy, and under a now discarded pseudonym along with the poet’s actual name (Yue Xing Wang). The date of publication listed here (January 8, 2020) refers to the original date of publication for the digital copy. This physical copy is first published on August 5, 2020. The cover and cover only was updated on Thursday, November 5, 2020; there is no change to the content.Cover designed with original oil painting by Yue Xing Yitkbel Wang.

A poetry collection by Yue Xing (Yitkbel) Wang

The Boundless Ocean of the Void: My Chalice of the East and West By: Yue Xing Yitkbel Wang Friday, February 28, 2020 11:39 p. m. -I live, breathe, it seems Awake in a dream Memories ail and fade I take naught away But my soul never strays My soul and love's aches Only these two of the same Could cross over the gate- The old men in the desert Seek chalices not water The old men in the desert Among grains of gold falter The old men in the desert Frantically climbing upon one another Failing hands towards the celestial river The old men in the desert Suffocate in reach of height of matter Wind sweeps dust, falls the ladder The old men in the desert Their desperate faces fade and alter A short deluge of ashes and dust later The marks of the old men in the desert Were found still a few mirages further Dissipated near the translucent border "Only fools believe in unseeable water!" They proclaimed louder and louder Till thirst conquered them and only Silence, the presence of absence lingers Like the shadow that deathly cowers When the light tears all slumber asunder Rising in the East to empty my cup Lowering it in the West to runneth over: The Chalice of Life and Being Is only a momentary timely vessel For the absence of plentiful Within without to hold The clear, transparent Truth of Water Unbreakable Across the labyrinth of shadows Till we safely reach home The Boundless Ocean of the Void Where it is not devoid of anything But could ceaselessly hold All -Beyond time and space

Table of Contents
The Dreamer Trilogy (Three Poems) CONTENT 1. The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity 8 2. The Realness of the Poet’s Dream 14 3. Terror of Good, Emptiness of Plenty 17 4. Century is the New Millennium 26 5. The Torus of Reason and Faith 33 6. Perfect Circle of Wise Fool’s Allegories 35 7. Obscurantism 45 8. The Perfect Torus of Truth 49 9. The Seasoned Poet Reaps Truth 55 10. The Timeless Dream of Home 62 11. Perfect Circle of Life and Being 71 12. Leap, Even If Fated to Fall 75


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