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Tribes Folklore patrimony

By ali, fouad

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Book Id: WPLBN0100304036
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 3/30/2022

Title: Tribes Folklore patrimony  
Author: ali, fouad
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
Collections: Authors Community, History
Publication Date:
Member Page: fouad ali


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Ali, B. F. (2022). Tribes Folklore patrimony. Retrieved from

Multi-ethnic Morocco with a rich culture and civilization. Throughout Moroccan his-tory, this country has wel-comed many people from the east (Phoenicians, Jews and Arabs), the south (sub-Saharan Africa) and the north (Romans, vandals, Moors). All of these groups 2 have had an impact on the social structure of Morocco, as it includes many beliefs, such as Judaism, Christianity

summary 1 …………… .introduction 17 ………… .tribes. 38 ……… .. The origin of the tribes 58 …………. Moroccan traditions and cus-toms are rituals passed down to genera-tions of morocco 63 ………. Morocco through its music 72…………………… ..The Moroccan culinary heritage is varied and authentic 81 ……………………………. The development of the art of traditional industry in Moroc-co 103 ………. Traditional clothing between originality and diversity 124 ……… .folklor dance 161 ……………… .Ramadan in Morocco has a particularity 172 …………………………… ..Conclusion

Morocco specializes in an immense wealth of customs and traditions, inclu-ding the first inhabitants of their expe-riences, culture, setbacks and victories, sometimes open and disguised, with a symbolic mask, imposing their presence with their connotations and charges, and this which is the most type of folk cus-toms and ceremonial rituals that are part of the traditions and customs of the re-gions.

Table of Contents
Tuhami Al-Mazouari El-Glaoui (Berber) Old schools in Bushan Moroccan traditions and cus-toms are rituals passed down to generations of Morocco Morocco through its music


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