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Getting Past me and Being Closer to Thee : A Clear Path Tomorrow Spiritual and Happier Life

By Thomas, Brian

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Book Id: WPLBN0100304238
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/3/2022

Title: Getting Past me and Being Closer to Thee : A Clear Path Tomorrow Spiritual and Happier Life  
Author: Thomas, Brian
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy
Collections: Authors Community, Religion
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Class Promotions
Member Page: Brian Thomas


APA MLA Chicago

Thomas, B. B. (2022). Getting Past me and Being Closer to Thee. Retrieved from

The purpose of this book is to bring one person closer to God so they will have true joy and peace in their life. We can only try to be a better person than we were and are. There is hope for everyone no matter who you are or what you have done.

Our nature dictates that we are primarily concerned with ourselves before anybody or anything. This doesn’t mean that we can’t care about others or put things aside. We can and we do, but our self-preservation is still our top priority, the Me. It’s still all about “Me” and what we want and need. It is our basic nature, and that doesn’t change. What we can on change is to put aside the “Me” to some degree. We do this when we love another person. We do this when we put aside a dependence on drugs and alcohol. The quest to become a spiritual person means putting the Me aside so you can be closer to God. It also means putting worldly things aside, at least some of them. We can have less and still be happy. We don’t have to have the biggest house, the most expensive car, the finest furniture, or a clothes closet that takes up a small room. The secret lies in moderation of all things. We cannot do without worldly things, but we can do with less. We don’t have to live in or practice poverty to be spiritual. We don’t have to put ourselves completely aside to be a spiritual person, and we don’t have to practice chastity to attain spirituality. This book is about finding a way to be more spiritual that is within our power to do as human beings.

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................. 1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 3 A Sinner’s Plea ............................................................................. 4 There Are No Atheists in Foxholes .............................................. 5 The Book ...................................................................................... 7 Famous Sayings By Thomas A. Kempis ........................................ 9 Blaise Pascal and the Wager ...................................................... 11 Who We Are and What We Are ................................................ 17 The Seven Deadly Sins ............................................................... 19 A Final Take Away ...................................................................... 20


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