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A House Between Worlds

By Johnson, Kevin, Wade

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Book Id: WPLBN0100750527
Format Type: PDF (eBook)
File Size: 5.13 MB.
Reproduction Date: 1/22/2025

Title: A House Between Worlds  
Author: Johnson, Kevin, Wade
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature
Collections: Authors Community, Fantasy
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-published
Member Page: Kevin Johnson


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Johnson, K. W. (2025). A House Between Worlds. Retrieved from

El Jefe rules the country, and has for a dozen years. Has ruled disastrously. His early decision to expel every Muslim, his decision to send in the military to do so, the mutinies and desertions that followed, all had caused global economic disaster. With healthcare being ruined, the nation and world had suffered economic, health, and population collapse. Of course there were those who fought against his rule and his "Provisional" Security Teams. They sought independence from his tyranny, though they hadn't issued any formal declaration, like the one made a couple of centuries before. But, like that time long ago, they were outgunned and out-organized. Eventually they might have prevailed as their predecessors did. But in the meantime they needed something or some place that would aid their resistance. (As their predecessors had.) A few of them found a cabin lost in the woods. A house. A house between worlds.

An adventure tale of resisting tyranny in a plausible near future, with the fantasy element of a house between worlds

Nobody liked pickpockets. And since municipalities couldn't afford police, or much of anything else, when people got a free shot at a thief or robber, they took it. It's all the retribution most muggers and such would ever face. Aside from the man in the overalls and tool belt—empty except for a machete—there stood a group of three women, all carrying clubs or batons of some sort. The man stood apart from the women, and I stood apart from them all, which seemed to suit everyone. Considering costs, I was sure the man had a month-long subway pass, or even longer. If he was the foreman, he could probably afford it. And if he was a supervisor, with crews at more than one site, he'd have to. Not much of anyone was having much work done on buildings, except minor things paid for with some kind of service in exchange. When I'd needed to stay put a couple of months, but the roof was leaking, I'd guarded a construction site for a few weeks in return for the patching. Everything was like that, unless you were a plutocrat. For the rest of us, if you were lucky, and lived someplace with solar—prime squatting grounds, you'd better be able to hold onto the place—if you had that, then you'd have power for part of the day, anyway. Likewise with a rooftop wind turbine. And if you had any income, you spent it on running water and sewer service—or hoped the septic held up. Or you spent it buying a gun…and found yourself with no clear path forward except crime. Because there weren't too many other things to do when a weapon was your only asset.

Table of Contents
Cast of Characters Foreword One: When in the Course of Human Events Two: It Becomes Necessary for One People to Dissolve the Political Bands Three: Which Have Connected Them with Another… Four: That All Men Are Created Equal Five: That They Are Endowed by Their Creator with Certain Unalienable Rights Six: That among These Are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Seven: That to Secure These Rights, Governments Are Instituted among Men Eight: Deriving Their Just Powers from the Consent of The Governed Nine: That Whenever Any Form of Government Becomes Destructive of These Ends Ten: It Is the Right of the People to Alter or to Abolish It Eleven: And to Institute New Government… Twelve: And Accordingly All Experience Hath Shewn Thirteen: That Mankind Are More Disposed to Suffer Fourteen: While Evils Are Sufferable Fifteen: Than to Right Themselves by Abolishing the Forms to Which They Are Accustomed Sixteen: But When a Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations Seventeen: Pursuing Invariably the Same Object Evinces a Design Eighteen: To Reduce Them Under Absolute Despotism Nineteen: It Is Their Right, It Is Their Duty Twenty: To Throw Off Such Government… Epilogue Afterword About the Author


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