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Akshar Purushottam Upãsanã : As Revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, Volume 5000: As Revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan

By Dave, Kishorbhai, M

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Book Id: WPLBN0100750596
Format Type: PDF (eBook)
File Size: 1017.39 KB.
Reproduction Date: 5/1/2012

Title: Akshar Purushottam Upãsanã : As Revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, Volume 5000: As Revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan  
Author: Dave, Kishorbhai, M
Volume: Volume 5000
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Collections: Authors Community, Religion
Publication Date:
Publisher: Swaminarayan Aksharpith Ahmedabad
Member Page: BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha


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Dave, K. M. (2012). Akshar Purushottam Upãsanã : As Revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, Volume 5000. Retrieved from

The Core of Swaminarayan Philosophy, concepts of Akshar and Purushottam Upasana, Upasana important in spiritual aspirant, The Significance of Aksharrup, the realization of God as the all-doer lead to liberation, ‘Akshar’ as the abode of Purushottam Narayan

He was a spiritual colossus who walked the length and breadth of India in just seven years. Hailed as a champion of peace and purity, he crusaded against the crippling evils in society. Thousands witnessed his supernatural powers and miracles. By his divine splendour and spiritual powers, he graced many with samadhi – spiritual trance – enabling them to have a direct experience of the deities they worshipped. Many of them saw Swaminarayan in the highest abode during such experiences and came to recognize him as God

Table of Contents
Introduction ix 1. Upãsanã 1 1.1 Importance of Upãsanã 2 1.2 What is Upãsanã? 3 2. Kartã 4 2.1 How Is God Kartã? 4 2.2 Shriji Maharaj: The All-doer 5 2.3 Necessity of Knowing God as the All-doer 7 3. sãKãr 9 3.1 Liking for Sãkãr 9 3.2 Disadvantages of Understanding God as Nirãkãr 11 3.3 Origin of the Understanding of God as Nirãkãr 13 3.4 How Is God Sãkãr? 15 3.5 God with a Form as Well as All-Pervasive 17 3.6 God as Sãkãr in Akshardhãm and on Earth 19 3.7 Divyabhãv – Divine Attributes 21 3.8 Necessity of Understanding Divyabhãv 24 3.9 Disadvantages of Perceiving Manushyabhãv in God and His Sadhu 3.10 Omniscience 31 4. sarvopari 33 4.1 Necessity of Faith in Divine Supremacy 33 4.2 Akshardhãm: The Highest Abode; Shriji Maharaj: The Supreme 35 Shriji Maharaj: The Supreme 39 4.2.1 In His Own Words 39 4.2.2 As Expressed in Swãmini Vãto 41 4.2.3 In the Words of the Paramhansas 45 4.3 Cosmic Evolution 49 4.4 Parabrahman Purushottam Nãrãyan: One and Unique 53 4.5 Well-known incidents 54 4.5.1 Shriji Maharaj’s Supremacy: As Understood from His Incidents 54 4.5.2 Shriji Maharaj’s Supremacy: As Explained by Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami 63 4.6 Questions Regarding Supremacy 65 4.7 Above All but Respect for All 72 pragat 75 5.1 Meaning of Pragat? How? 75 5.2 True Knowledge Is Recognizing the Pragat Form of God 78 5.3 The Importance of Devotion to the Pragat Form of God 80 5.4 Pragat Bhakti: The Pathway to Peace 83 5.5 Liberation Through the Pragat Form of God or His Sadhu 84 5.6 Deficiencies Resulting from Not Realizing the Pragat Form of God 89 5.7 The Pragat Form of God After Shriji Maharaj’s Return to Akshardhãm 93 5.8 Only One Pragat Form of Shriji Maharaj 96 5.9 Characteristics of the Gunãtit Sadhu 99 5.10 Glory of the Gunãtit Sadhu 103 5.10.1 Glory of the Gunãtit Sadhu: In the Words of Bhagwan Swaminarayan 103 5.10.2 Glory of the Gunãtit Sadhu: In the Words of Gunatitanand Swami 106 5.10.3 Glory of the Gunãtit Sadhu: In the Bhajans of the Paramhansas 107 5.10.4 Glory of the Gunãtit Sadhu: 5.10.5 Glory of the Gunãtit Sadhu: In Other Shastras 112 5.11 The Gunãtit Sadhu: The Pragat Form of God Yet a Loyal Servant 112 aKsharbrahman 115 6.1 Becoming Aksharrup and Offering Upãsanã to Purushottam with Swami-Sevak Bhãv 116 6.2 The Need to Become Brahmarup 118 6.2.1 For the Privilege of Worshipping Purushottam 118 6.2.2 For Unhindered Devotion 119 6.2.3 For Ultimate Liberation 120 6.3 The Necessity of Aksharbrahman on the Path of Liberation 121 6.3.1 To Become Brahmarup 121 6.3.2 To Know Parabrahman as He Is 121 6.4 The Infinite Glory of Aksharbrahman 124 6.5 The Form of Aksharbrahman 125 6.6 The Forms of Aksharbrahman 125 6.7 Aksharbrahman 126 6.7.1 As Satchidãnand Chidãkãsh Radiance 126 6.7.2 As the Divine Abode 127 6.7.3 As Divine, Personal and Sãkãr 128 6.7.4 As the Param Ekãntik Satpurush 129 6.8 One and Unique 130 6.9 Relationship Between Akshar and Purushottam 131 6.10 What Is Meant by Brahman Merging into Parabrahman? 133 6.11 Divine Qualities of Aksharbrahman 134 6.12 Akshar-Purushottam Upãsanã 134 6.13 Glory of Equal Service and Bhakti to Akshar and Purushottam 135 Gunatitanand Swami Is Mul Akshar: How? 6.13.1 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: Scriptural Evidence 138 Viii Akshar-Purushottam Upãsanã 6.13.2 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: In the Words of Shriji Maharaj 140 6.13.3 Gunatitanand Swami’s Unique Glory: As Described by Shriji Maharaj 144 6.13.4 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: In the Words of Gunatitanand Swami 147 6.13.5 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: As Revealed in Swãmini Vãto 150 6.13.6 Gunatitanand Swami’s Unique Glory: As Described in Swãmini Vãto 151 6.13.7 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: In the Words of Gopãlanand Swami 152 6.13.8 Gunatitanand Swami’s Unique Glory: As Described by Gopãlanand Swami 154 6.13.9 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: In the Words of the Paramhansas 156 6.13.10 Gunatitanand Swami’s Unique Glory: As Described by the Paramhansas 157 6.13.11 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: Other Evidences 160 6.13.12 Gunatitanand Swami Is Akshar: From His Life and Work 163 sUmmary 168 7.1 Upãsanã: What to Understand 168 7.2 Upãsanã: What Not to Understand 174 appendix 176 glossary 191 index 206


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