By: Himalaya Putra
The Mind Book
- The Mind Age Version
Discover the power of your mind.
The Mind Book is a unique chronicle on Vipassana – India’s ancient meditation practice taught free of cost worldwide. Vipassana heralds The Mind Age – the phase of human evolution to harness the vast powers of the mind.
Vipassana is practiced by people in more than 100 countries, representing all religions, socio-economic backgrounds of society. This includes heads of state, government leaders, CEO... From the Chapter 'Mind Age':
Mind Matters Most - The Mind Exercise
The human mind: the classic enigma wrapped in mystery, a riddle with cunning tricks, a slave to inner enemies of impurities and delusions. The human mind: a warehouse of unused power so vast that wise gods envy life in the human plane of existence. The human mind: a Jekyll-Hyde storehouse of both great and horrific qualities, of the good and garbage gathered across time.
No greater puzzle than the un...
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By: Himalaya Putra
Vipassana is the path of reality, of practical wisdom from experience – wisdom beyond doubt, wisdom that transforms life – of individuals and countries.
As S.N. Goenkaji reminded us, the real answers are within. This book serves as a calling to Vipassana practice that leads you to experience the subtlest answers.
May the answers from your Vipassana practice lead to your final destination of real happiness: the indescribable experience beyond impermanence, beyond all ... How to be free from addiction?
Acharya S.N. Goenka: Vipassana practice trains you to observe bodily sensations. Sensations (pressure, pain, heat, vibrations, any tangible feeling in the body) arise with thoughts. The root of the mind (where habit patterns are formed) reacts to body sensations, not to your thoughts or outside objects. This is the law of nature.
Sensations are there from birth to death. Vipassana training develops the faculty to be aware of this subtler ...
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By: Himalaya Putra
A crisply written, one-of-a-kind book on the deeper working and nature of the human mind - the hidden depths holding the key to suffering and the way out of suffering. This is an intricate book on Vipassana meditation, the millennia-old ancient universal practice to knowing the reality of this 'I' , this changing mind-matter phenomenon.
In a world ridden with increasing conflicts and confusion, Vipassana practice enables the clarity of mind and the wisdom needed for inn... From The Prologue:
The Law of Cause and Effect turns our thoughts, words, and actions into seeds of inescapable fruits - sweet or bitter.
The Law of Cause and Effect rules the cosmos. Nothing can stop the consequences of what we think, say and do. So the wise take care to avoid harmful negative thoughts. Easier said than done, given the deep-rooted habit patterns of the mind. Vipassana enables the training to get rid of negative thoughts from the root-level of the min...
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