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The Saviour's Definite Redemption : Studies in Isaiah 53: Studies in Isaiah 53

By Best, W., E.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100301983
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.09 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/1/1982

Title: The Saviour's Definite Redemption : Studies in Isaiah 53: Studies in Isaiah 53  
Author: Best, W., E.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion
Collections: Authors Community, Adventure
Publication Date:
Publisher: W. E. Best Book Missionary Trust
Member Page: Diane Swain


APA MLA Chicago

E. Bes, B. W. (1982). The Saviour's Definite Redemption : Studies in Isaiah 53. Retrieved from

Many professing Christians are horrified by the phrases “particular redemption,” “limited atonement,” and “limited redemption.” However, all professing Christians limit redemption; it is limited either in its extent (the elect) or in its quality. Those who say Christ died for every one without exception limit its quality since the Bible states that many have and will die in their sins. The extent is limited (to the elect who are actually saved) by those who have a Biblical view of redemption.

This is a verse by verse study of the prophecy in Isaiah 52:12 through chapter 53 of Jesus Christ who is the Servant of Jehovah in this passage. This study describes from both Isaiah’s prophecy 600 years in advance of the crucifixion and from the history of the New Testament the Saviour’s work of redemption, its extent, and God’s satisfaction with the accomplished work of salvation Christ obtained for the many He saves.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction (Isaiah 52:13-15) 2 The Saviour Introduced, Misunderstood, And Rejected (Isaiah 53:1-3) 3 The Saviour Smitten (Isaiah 53:4) 4 The Saviour’s Vicarious Suffering (Isaiah 53:5) 5 The Sin-Bearing Saviour (Isaiah 53:6) 6 The Silent Saviour (Isaiah 53:7) 7 The Sinless Saviour Smitten Unto Death (Isaiah 53:8-9) 8 The Submissive Saviour (Isaiah 53:10) 9 The Saviour’s Soul Made An Offering For Sin (Isaiah 53:10-12) 10 The Saviour’s Satisfaction (Isaiah 53:11) 11 The Necessity Of The Saviour’s Death (Isaiah 53:12)


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