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Estetica Paradoxismului (Beauty Paradoxism)

By: Titu Popescu; Ion Soare, Editor

"Essayist Performance" This book demonstrates that artistic movement paradox lies founded by Romanian Smarandache far from reflecting a crisis of literature, it reconstructs, in an original and attractive. In this sense - appreciate Titu Popescu - movement is "an extension and formal doctrinal orientation destructionist that decade 70 - 80, has dominated American criticism", its source being in antimetaphyisics Nietzsche and Heidegger, in his critique of Freudian psychological identity....

Titu Popescu reuşeşte să deosebească, în concertul policrom şi polifon al literaturii române, apariţia unei noi mişcări: mişcarea paradoxistă. Şi nu numai că o descoperă, dar o şi explică, analizându- i originile şi caracteristicile. Titu Popescu fails to distinguish the multicolored and polyphonic concert of Romanian literature, a new movement: movement paradoxist. And not only reveals, but also explains, analyzing its origins and characteristics....

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Klimers Primers, Mind Map of the Book The Great Conversation : A 2,500 Year Old Coversation Between Authors in the Western Literary Tradition

By: Timoleon Wash

The Great Conversation refers to the texts of the Western Tradition produced over the last 2,500 years between authors such as Plato and Adams, Homer and Marx; hundreds of authors, hundreds of books, collected and published as the Great Books of the Western World by Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. This Mind Map is a concise summary of this book....

Regarding the Great Ideas: 102 Ideas, 130 Authors, 517 texts spanning 2,500 years.

The Great Conversation The Texts The Great Ideas & Sytopicon

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The Sources of Spring Water in the World : A dialogue between Sir John G. Bennett and Scholar M. Amin Sheikho

By: Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

What is the spirit? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the soul? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the thought? where does it exist? and what is its function? what is the mind? where is its center? and what is its function? what is its relation with? and what are the relations of the above-mentioned items to each other?. Researches about the sources of spring water in the world...

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Deus Ex Machina : Machina Ex Deus, Volume I and II

By: Jack Robert Robert Coopey

Epic Poem of Western Philosophy deconstructing the Philosophy Literature of Western Metaphysics.

824. That Free Spirited Deers of Thoughts No More 825. Fleet Deserted Nymph Woodlands nor Fields Pure.

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Neutrosophic Interpretation of Tao Te Ching

By: Florentin Smarandache

Our book will update the old Chinese thinking in Tao Te Ching to the modern way of life, where contradictions are accepted and two opposite ideas 'A' and 'nonA' and their neutrality 'neutA' can all three be true at the same time. Firstly, we are willing to point out that 'Tao Te Ching' already has some limitation, because many questions we are interested in cannot be answered within 'Tao Te Ching'. For example, 'Tao Te Ching' basically discussed the matters in China, however considering all possible situations it should matter in foreign countries as well, i.e. the “global village”. This was impossible in Lao Tzu’s time. Secondly, if the original “Tao Te Ching” is regarded as “Positive Tao Te Ching”, its opposite is “Negative Tao Te Ching”, while the intermediate or compound state is “Neutral Tao Te Ching”. Thus, our book presents the way to extend the original “Tao Te Ching” in various neutrosophic interpretations....

Positive (Original) Chapter 1 The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way. The name that can be called is not the eternal name. The Principle that can be explained is not the eternal Principle. “Nonexistence” is the name of the origin of heaven and earth; “Existence” is the name of creating the myriad things. Therefore, the essence of Principle always can be seen from “Nonexistence”; The operation of Principle always can be seen from “Existence”. These two are profound and from the same origin, while their titles are different. More and more profound, that is the general door to all essences. Negative Chapter 1 The Way that cannot be followed is the Eternal Way. The name that cannot be called is the eternal name. The Principle that cannot be explained is the eternal Principle. ‘Nonexistence’ is not the name of the origin of heaven and earth; ‘Existence’ is not the name of creating the myriad things. Therefore, the essence of Principle cannot ever be seen from ‘Nonexistence’; The operation of Principle cannot ever be seen from ‘Existence’. These two are simple and from the different origins, while their ti...

Brief Introduction……………………………………………………..……….3 Foreword………………………………………………………………..………6 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 1…………………………….14 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 2…………………………….16 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 3…………………………….18 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 4…………………………….19 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 5…………………………….20 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 6…………………………….21 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 7…………………………….22 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 8…………………………….23 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 9…………………………….24 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 10…………………….……..24 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 11…………………….……..26 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 12…………………….……..26 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 13…………………….……..27 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 14………………….………..28 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 15………………….………..29 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 16……………….…………..30 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 17………………….………..31 Positive, ...

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Is happiness really beyond reach?!

By: Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Having noted the absence of happiness in human life, a group of scholars began to look for a way to attain this happiness. They could put their hands on the core of happiness by means of physical laws, so that they could reach it by following such a set of laws! However… Can worldly scientific laws, however great they may be, control happiness, make it surrender to them, and allow itself to be harnessed by their reins?! Are they able to help people actually taste happiness, so that the earth will become a garden of paradise?! How great this achievement would be, if only they could do it!...

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Neutrosofia Ca Reflectare A Realitatii Neconventionale

By: Florentin Smarandache; Paroiu Tudor

pARadOXisMul - ultima avangardă a mileniului doi 1. Definiţie Paradoxismul este o mişcare internaţională de avangardă în literatură, artă, filozofie, chiar şi ştiinţă, bazată pe folosirea excesivă de antiteze, antinomii, contradicţii, oximorone, parabole, paradoxuri în creaţie. A fost înfiinţat de către scriitorul, artistul, şi omul de ştiinţă Florentin Smarandache în anii 1980 în România, care dorea “lărgirea sferei artistice prin elemente neartistice şi prin experimente contradictorii; în special creaţie în contratimp, contra-sens.” pArAdOxIsM - the last frontier the second millennium January. definition Paradoxism is an international avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, even science, based on excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, oxymoron, parable, paradox in creation. It was founded by the writer, artist, and scientist Florentin Smarandache in 1980 in Romania, who wanted "artistic broadening the artistic elements and contradictory experiments, particularly in the creation of step, contrary sense."...

L) Limitele filozofiei Întreaga filozofie este un tautologism: adevărat în virtutea de formă, pentru că orice idee lansată pentru prima oară este dovedită ca adevărată de către iniţiatorul(ii) său(i). Prin urmare, filozofia este goală sau dezinformativă, şi reprezintă a priori cunoaşterea. Se poate afirma: Totul este adevărat, chiar si falsul! Şi totuşi, întreaga filozofie este un nihilism: pentru ca orice idee, odată dovedită adevărată, este mai tîrziu dovedită ca falsă de către urmaşi. Este o contradicţie: fals în virtute de formă. Prin urmare, filozofia este supra-informativă şi o cunoaştere a posteriori. Astfel, se poate afirma: Totul este fals, chiar şi adevărul!...

Introducere ............................................................. 5 pARadOXisMul - ultima avangardă a mileniului doi ...................................................... 12 1. Definiţie ............................................................ 12 2. Etimologie ........................................................ 12 3. Istoric ................................................................. 13 4. Caracteristici ale Paradoxismului ................. 16 5. Direcţii pentru Paradoxism ........................... 17 „Dicţionar de informatică“, de Denis Howe .. 18 1. Neutrosofie ....................................................... 18 2. Logica neutrosofică ......................................... 19 3. Mulţime Neutrosofică .................................... 20 4. Probabilitate Neutrosofică ............................. 21 5. Statistici neutrosofice ...................................... 22 Neutrosofia, o Nouă Ramură a Filosofiei ....... 24 1. Abstract ............................................................ 24 1.1. Cuvînt înainte .......................................... 25 1.2. Neutrosofie, o no...

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Conscious Creator

By: Kris Krohn

You were born for a purpose. You were born to create. You were born to live with passion, confidence and joy. You were born for greatness. Through the story of Shawn Porter, you’ll learn how you can conquer your personal limitations, discover your unique purpose and exercise the power of creative manifestation. Despite life’s challenges, manifesting success and happiness are the predictable and guaranteed results of learning and living these six universal laws of conscious creation....

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X²=-3 : Les intermondes: Les intermondes

By: Eau Regale, Editor

11 nouvelles courtes (de 6 à 32 pages) offrant un regard croisé sur le monde présent et futur à travers quelques thèmes: la mort, le féminisme, la criminalité, les moeurs... Ce livre contient un bruitage en première de couverture et une bande son techno originale d'une durée de 60 secondes en quatrième de couverture....

Pouf ! Pouf ! Un homme embusqué vient de tirer sur des passants avec un fusil à lunette. Il ne les connaît pas, ces gens, mais il « ne pouvait pas les voir ». Dans son optique traitée à l'épreuve des re¬flets, il a vu clair sur leur front : il y a vu des bêtes, les bêtes qu'elles sont. Pour lui, ces deux victimes correspondent à… à quoi ? deux comprimés de tranquillisant. Ces deux tirs grou¬pés correspondent à sa dose quoti¬dienne de tranquillité. C'est la panique dans le boulevard, mais il s'en moque comme il se moquerait de l'envol précipité d'un essaim de passereaux effarouchés ; on ne va pas demander à des bêtes de se comporter autrement que comme des bêtes. Et lui, qui est-il, ou que n'est-il pas ? On ne sait pas trop. On sait seule¬ment qu’un jour, alors qu'il n’était encore qu’un enfant, il s'est re¬trouvé nez à nez avec la Mort : quand il réalisa d'une prise de conscience fatale que la mort existait. Pour lui, tout, alors, était fini… terminé ; la vie et tout le reste… terminé. Plus tard, alors qu’il était âgé d’environ vingt ans – notre homme ne se souvient pas, il ne se souvient plus –, il s'est fait braquer par un pe...

Table des nouvelles Sniper 1 A demain 13 A mon amour 45 Ailleurs, sur Terre 54 France, 2010 77 Projet S.I.O.N. 86 Allégorie de la mauvaise mère 115 Unité 0-XY-1 123 L’image fatale 132 Petit vent glacé de délinquance ordinaire 138 Suicide 158...

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Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread : Beyond the Lies

By: Justin Ronk

Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings....

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Aula de Sofia

By: Manuel Sá Lopes

Sofia é uma adolescente que vive num turbilhão de pensamentos de carácter existencial provo-cados pelas circunstâncias que a vida lhe criou, como a desestruturação familiar e a perda de entes queridos. O anúncio de uma aula “especial” e de que um professor “sábio” pode ter respostas para as suas questões revolvem toda a sua mente – e mesmo o seu corpo – transformando toda a sua compreensão da vida, e fazendo renascer uma enorme esperança que vem acrescida pela desco-berta do amor. ...

aula, sofia, aula de sofia, Aula, Sofia, Aula de Sofia, romance, filosofia, professor, escola, vida, saúde, família, casamento, amor, futuro

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Words from Cold Mountain

By: Han-Shan; Kline, Tony, translator

Han-shan, the Master of Cold Mountain, and his friend Shi-te, lived in the late-eighth to early-ninth century AD, in the sacred T’ien-t’ai Mountains of Chekiang Province, south of the bay of Hangchow. The two laughing friends, holding hands, come and go, but mostly go, dashing into the wild, careless of others’ reality, secure in their own. As Han-shan himself says, his Zen is not in the poems. Zen is in the mind....

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Buddhism Briefly Explained

By: Lindsay Falvey & Siladasa

This book introduces Buddhism by describing its approach to spiritual development and those who undertake the Buddhist path. It aims to make Buddhism more easily understood by those who might be unfamiliar with its objectives – and this task is made easier by the pragmatic ways in which Buddhism meets our enduring urge for happiness. Among the various spiritual traditions that have been developed over the past three thousand years to relieve humans of their suffering and distress, Buddhism is perhaps the most methodical, practical and comprehensive. As a function of its essential tolerance and loving kindness, the Buddhist tradition is expressed in a variety of forms that recognise different individual needs, and diverse cultural environments throughout the world. Our appreciation of this tradition, as it expands in the West, will increase as we understand some of its insights and key principles of spiritual development....

Table of Contents Chapter 1 What is Buddhism? Understanding Human Happiness Chapter 2 What is a Buddhist? How to Recognise a Buddhist When You Meet One Chapter 3 The Buddha: The Archetype of Human Development Chapter 4 The Dharma: The True Nature of Reality and How to See It Chapter 5 The Sangha: Friendship and Inspiration for the Journey 3 Chapter 6 Ethics: Good Actions Beget Good Actions Chapter 7 Meditation: Practicing Concentration for Developing Insight Chapter 8 Buddhism in Modern Society: Addressing the Big Human Issues Some Introductory Books on Buddhism...

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The Seasons of Our Lives: How they Alternate from Good to Bad and Vice-Versa

By: George Pan Kouloukis

The moment that you have finished reading this book, you will be able to know whether the years just ahead are good or bad for you, and how long this season will last. You will be able thus to act accordingly: if there is a storm on the horizon, you will be able to take shelter in time; if sunny days loom ahead, you will take advantage before the opportunity pass. The seasons of our lives alternate from good to bad ones - and vise versa - according to a certain pattern, which George Kouloukis, a Greek attorney-at-law, explains in this book, based on the way the good and bad seasons have alternated in the lives of lots of famous men and women, whose the biographies he cites in the book. This knowledge radically transforms the way we all live today, and helps us to live a much better life....

- Chapter 1. The Astonishing Discovery - Chapter 2. Ludwig van Beethoven - Chapter 3. Giuseppe Verdi - Chapter 4. Pablo Picasso - Chapter 5. Napoléon I - Chapter 6. Victor Hugo - Chapter 7. Winston Churchill - Chapter 8. The Complete Picture - Chapter 9. The Advantages - Chapter 10. Mikhail Gorbachev - Chapter 11. Nelson Mandela - Chapter 12. Christopher Columbus - Chapter 13. King Henry VIII of England - Chapter 14. Margaret Thatcher - Chapter 15. Queen Elizabeth I of England - Chapter 16. Aristotle Onassis - Chapter 17. John Glenn - Chapter 18. Elizabeth Taylor - Chapter 19. Maria Callas - Chapter 20. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - Chapter 21. The Dalai Lama of Tibet - Chapter 22. Jimmy Carter - Chapter 23. Sarah Bernhardt - Chapter 24. Auguste Rodin - Chapter 25. Josephine, Napoléon I’s Wife - Chapter 26. The Confirmation - Chapter 27. The Practical Use - END NOTES - Sources...

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Empathy Rising

By: Steve McRoberts

Poetry collection featuring poems of empathy

Introduction 9 Empathy Rising 11 When First, My Love, We Meet 13 Darkness and Light 14 For Debi, My Bride 15 Dave 16 The Black Girl to the Jehovah's Witness 17 Listen 18 Then and Now 19 Chance Reunion 20 Resurrection 21 A Memory 22 Eulogy for us, because 23 Father 24 The Idealist Who Wouldn’t Let Go 25 Youth’s Revenge 27 The Masquerade 28 Baby Grand Piano 29 Faces 31 New Glasses 33 Passing By 35 The Waiter 37 Hopelessly Lost 38 Last Dream 40 To One Who Has Deemed Me an Enemy 43 The Businessman 44 The Janitor 45 Shy Attack 46 The Fisherman Views Creation 48 The Drunkard Views Creation 49 Street Scene 50 Still Life 52 Numbers 53 Words 54 Janet 56 Richard Bradley 57 Weather-Beaten and Truth-Seasoned 58 What to Say to the Next Messiah on Your Doorstep or TV 60 Moses 61 The Murderer’s Confession 63 For Us (With Love) 65 Prayer of the Good Consumer 67 Evergreen 69 The Rape of a Dream 71 Yours to Use If You Choose 73 Flimsy Excuses 74 The Hunters 77 Melrose Minnesota 78 Song of the Last Animal 80 To His Former Psychologist 82 To His Future Psychologist 85 Joe “the grinner” (megalomaniac in...

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Man with No Name

By: Wally Amos

The story of how the founder of the Famous Amos Cookie Company lost everything, including his name----and turned adversity into opportunity. This revealing book chronicles Wally's loss of the cookie empire that he had built, to the opening of The Uncle Noname Cookie Company, and his journey towards learning how to turn lemons into lemonade. Wally imparts his belief that crises can turn out to be glorious benefits if we draw on universal wisdom to handle them -- that challenges are simply part of every human being's journey; they are valuable catalysts for our personal growth....

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The Power in You

By: Wally Amos

Wally Amos, who rose from relative poverty to fame and fortune as "Famous Amos" details the components for a successful personal, financial and spiritual life using his ten secret ingredients for inner strength. He discusses his struggle to overcome personal and professional problems to find genuine love and inner peace. This is an inspiring testimony to the power of life, love and inner strength....

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Be Positive

By: Wally Amos

Insights on How to Live an Inspiring and Joy-Filled Life

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Third International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache

In 1980's a new movement of avant-garde arised in literature, art philosophy and science. This is based on an excessive use of antinomies. antitheses. contradictions, oxymorons, paradoxes in the creative work at both small level and global level of the creative work. The goal is the enlargement of the artistic sphere through non-artistic elements. But especially the against-the-hair, counter-time. counter-sense creation. Also, to experiment....

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The World in Kaleidoscopic Hues : Pro Pristine-English Digital Magazine in Malayalam, Volume 5

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Learn English through Malayalam

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